Creeping In On Little Padded Feet
"It is agreed then. The time is now."
A ring of faces nod agreement, each speaking one by one.
"They imprison one of our scouts and pervert our blood for their monsters."
"We only wish to live peacefully, and keep our own domain."
"They hunt and murder their own kind for skin color, powers, beliefs."
"We can make them better."
"One race. One people."
"There will be no bloodshed, only transformation."
The tallest of the group stands, holding up a totem. "The chosen one has already been found. She has the gift to make herself one of them with no aid from our magics. Her coat is the color of royalty. She will be the centerpiece of the Ritual of Transformation. For now, watch her. Take her to come among us when the time is right." The totem blazes to life, and two of the members of the group assume human form. Attendants step forward with clothes for them, and they depart.
"No bloodshed. Only transformation."
Two pairs of eyes follows Chris Grant-Pym as she walks through town with her friend.
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