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nextgen_adult ([info]nextgen_adult) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-14 00:59:00

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As the head of a billion dollar international company, Margaret Donovan-Stark was a very busy woman. Her days consisted of meeting after meeting and dinner usually ended up being a dinner meeting. It took a lot of effort and energy to run Stark Inc., but Margaret was enjoying every second of it.

The weapons development and research was now running at full steam and had taken all of her focus and energy. Stark Inc was once again a major player in the weapons industry and the government contracts were coming in. Not to mention contracts from private security companies, many of which used to be competitors but were now customers. The contracts and money were coming in and the stock price was starting to rise again after the hit it took during the transition.

Despite her very busy schedule, she took time out when her scientists in research and development called her. She stepped out of the elevator and into the lab.

"Ah Ms. Stark, so glad you could come down here. We have made significant progress with our recent project," the chief scientist said as he fell into step along side of her. "If you would allow me to show you?”

“Excellent. Proceed.” she said. If this project panned out, the company would make billions in government contracts not only from the United States government, but from others like Great Britain and other friendly governments.

“The prototype for the unit is finished, however….”

“Is there a problem?” she asked.

“Oh no, ma’am. Just the opposite. There was an unexpected possibility and my team is currently researching ways to make it work. If this proves to be feasible, not only will we be able to do containment, we should be able to use the subject’s abilities to our own benefit.”

“Interesting,” she carefully said, not allowing him to see any reaction either way. “Keep me informed.” She started to walk toward the door.

“There is the matter of our research budget, ma’am,” he said as he walked after her.

Margaret paused. “You will have what you need.” The development money would be mere pennies compared to what this would bring in if the idea worked. She left the lab.

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