The angry little sister with a gun (open)
Sammy considered her options.
While Big Brother needed a beating and using her fists would be satisfying, she wasn't going to get into Mikel's cell. She was going to have a hard enough time getting in to see him.
That left her best friend, her firearm. She could play Fish in a Barrel. It wasn't right, but screw right, even if Mom gave her a lecture about it. She wouldn't ask Mom's opinion. Mom would be diplomatic about it, until the moment she stopped and did something final to solve the problem and get it out of their lives.
She wasn't asking Dad's opinion. She felt anger, even a little betrayed. It bubbled up through under the hero worship and had her avoiding him and his calls. She hadn't hidden anything from him. She told him that Mikel wanted into her life. All he had to do was say Mikel couldn't be trusted and to stay away from him. Instead, he'd encouraged her to see the bastard and caused her to hope they'd be a family. Maybe it would've turned out the same, but she wouldn't hate herself so much now for being a willing fool if she'd put up a fight in the beginning.
In the end, all she had was rage and hurt and words that wouldn't make a dent the bastard's feelings. So she'd settle for looking at him and wondering what it was that made a brother she'd never known hate her so much that he'd use his own sister to bring their father down.
On the firing range at the hydrobase, she practiced her own sort of therapy. There were six empty clips in front of her, and another six full ones waiting to be used. The target was tatters. She hadn't switched it out, mostly because she'd put a picture of Mikel on it and it wasn't yet completely destroyed.
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