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Amiko Kobayashi ([info]hotlittlehands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2014-03-02 19:06:00

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Entry tags:clockwork, grogg, lord deathstrike, misha loganovich, plot-"underworld war", sunset

Twisted Homecoming (for BH6)
Amiko, well wrapped in a flight suit, waited patiently as her brother carried her to the landing point near the Yashida compound.

They'd been paired together for a little while, handling various ... errands. It was good to work with him. Even if they were seeing a lot clearer now, as if a lot of clutter had been removed from their minds, they were still family.

Which led her thoughts to the ostensible mission here: to go after the sword Amiko had previously claimed 'on behalf of the sane side of the Clan.' And apparently, she'd been Confused at the time as to which side that was. Their obvious mission was to rectify that.

But so far, they were not being obvious. They were good at that.

"They'll know we're coming," Amiko reminds him. "They're not so lost and stumbling they won't have been able to find out a few things, and suspect what we obviously want. Just not direction or precise timing. And please keep Hajime off of me, Misha. I'm not concerned about the others. They'll hesitate, for old time's sake." Old times were hazy and vague in her head, but not so much so that she couldn't exploit them.

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-09 01:13 am UTC (link)
A sudden miniature geyser opens from the ground, water bursting up in the path of the heat-dart.

"Amiko-sama." Clockwork intones forcefully, approaching her cautiously, keeping his approach at 90 degrees from Keiji's. Plant-life seems to respond to his presence, grass growing in his footsteps.

"What is the reason for this? This behavior is not like you."

 photo 36.gif 'Darkening of the Light'

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-09 01:32 am UTC (link)
And that lack of precision is just enough for him to dodge the dart. He notes Clockwork's presence.

"She's been brainwashed, though she'll deny it in her state, I'm very familiar with this practice." He looks back at Amiko, his feet going into a stance. "Considering everything the Hand has taken from her, I doubt she is completely ignorant as to what has been done. That is likely suppressed. Victims often feel a sense of false clarity they've never experience before. It's hard to fight."

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-09 05:53 am UTC (link)
Amiko sees the water hissing under the heat. "My brother and I have been given some perspective. That is all." She throws again, one hand towards both of them.

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-09 01:44 pm UTC (link)
And with that knowledge, Clockwork's anger vanishes. A soft chime, akin to a sigh, sounds within him.

 photo 47.gif 'Oppression'

"This one does not wish to harm you, Amiko-sama, but it will not permit you to harm others, either." Clockwork abruptly rotates its arms in opposing circles, and the water collecting after the eruption begins to move. It flies across the ground towards Amiko's position, before growing cold. He would much rather immobilize her than do actual battle.

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-09 04:15 pm UTC (link)
Keiji doesn't waste more time talking. He knew Amiko would have some manner of counter to Clockwork's attack. She knew them all so well. The only way they were going to be able to stop this was to be unpredictable. Still..this was Amiko. Who knew him better than her?

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-09 04:22 pm UTC (link)
Steam rises as Amiko, her skin searing hot, makes just enough enough contact with the chilled onrush of water to somersault onto the roof of the abused shrine.

"You could always just let us take the sword and make our way out, Clockwork. Fewest casualties that way."

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-10 01:59 pm UTC (link)
"There is truth in what you say, Amiko-sama." Clockwork drops to one knee, pressing metal hands flat to the ground. It rumbles slightly, before roots fly from it like giant snakes. Old hardwood, which won't burn easily. They snake up along the roof towards Amiko.

"But this one believes you, as you are now, would use it to much greater harm elsewhere."

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-10 04:35 pm UTC (link)
Keiji solidifies the bones in his right hand to a degree greater than normal bone density. It would enable him to throw a strike that would more easily render someone unconscious without having to use too much power. He didn't often use a technique like this, so hopefully Aiko would not expect it. When Clockwork's roots got Amiko's attention, he sprang quickly in an attempt to deliver the blow.

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-13 11:46 pm UTC (link)
One hand singes as it sets on the hardwood roots. Amiko prepares a handspring into an attack herself. When Keiji strikes, she's already begun moving, but while the blow doesn't knock her out, it does hit hard enough to make her groan between clenched teeth and start to feel woozy, almost nauseated.

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Re: Vs. Amiko
2014-03-15 04:26 pm UTC (link)
Clockwork surges upwards, moving with the roots, as branches of other trees extend to join the press. They attempt to entangle Amiko further. It's as much an attempt to stop her fall as it is to stop her escape.

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