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Antoinette "Toni" Rhodes ([info]toni_rhodes) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2014-01-09 22:01:00

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Entry tags:toni rhodes

Rallies, Riots, and Mutants
Though the subject matter of the rally on the local college campus greatly concerned and even directly affected Toni, she wasn't paying much attention to the words being spoken.  Instead, she was watching both the crowd and the others gathering occasionally around the edges of it. 

Despite having been around for several decades now, the issue of mutant rights continued to be a tricky and volatile one.  While there were a great number of second generation super-heroes, many of whom had inherited the abilities of their parents, not all of them owed their abilities specifically to an X-Gene as she did.  So it made her somewhat sensitive to the issue when it came up, especially since she was publicaly known to be one.  But while she was well know as Anya Stark's best friend and as an Avenger, she was not quite so distinct that, out of costume, she couldn't slip easily into a crowd.

Call her crazy, but she was certain something in this thing was going to turn ugly.

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2014-01-14 01:20 am UTC (link)
"Mutants are human beings!" This came from a young man near the front. "We need to stop this us vs them crap!"

"Please! They aren't human! They say it themselves! They call themselves homo superior! They think they're better than us!" Came another voice at the debate table.

"And why do you think they do that?" This time from a young woman. "We treat them like shit, do everything we can to make them feel unwanted, and use the law to harass them! Is it any wonder they want their own identity!?

Rampage cracked his neck a little. He didn't care what the group supported. He was here to make a statement. Just waiting for the right moment.

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2014-01-14 11:44 pm UTC (link)
It was getting tense...

And getting tenser. A little shoving turned into more insults, turned into harder shoving, and soon actual blows were being exchanged...


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2014-01-14 11:51 pm UTC (link)
He smirks. Show time.

Rampage walks calmly toward the growing conflict before grabbing a random college student and tossing him aside.

"You little shits think anything you say means a damn thing? Mutants are getting their due, whether you like it or not." He grabs the table, preparing to throw it at a clustered group.

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2014-01-15 01:43 am UTC (link)
Toni really hated it when she was right. Which happened all too often, usually where Starks were concerned.

She fired an electrical bolt at the ground at the rampager's feet. Didn't want to electrocute him if she didn't have to.

"Stand down, pal. We can still keep this peaceful."

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2014-01-15 09:36 pm UTC (link)
Rampage just raised his eyebrow at the lightning before looking over at Toni.

"You fucking serious? You think these flatscans really give a shit about us?

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2014-01-16 12:51 am UTC (link)
"This was a pro-mutant rights rally," Toni said. "That some people have a problem with that... well, it just shows how brave these people are for coming out anyway. Now. Stand. Down."

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2014-01-16 01:12 am UTC (link)
"Well sure, Auntie Tom. I'll stand down. Oh wait, hold this." And he's throwing the table at her.

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2014-01-16 01:34 am UTC (link)
"Auntie Tom?" Toni almost laughed. "Really?"

Fortunately, there was more than enough metal in the table. She reacted quickly, ensnaring it with an electromagnetic field and setting it down gently.

She fired an electrical bolt at him.

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2014-01-16 01:58 am UTC (link)
He didn't move to dodge, instead allowing himself to be hit with the lightning. His chest took the bulk of the hit as it started to shift into a thicker, dull-grey color. The rest of his body grew to a lesser degree as the lightning coursed through his body. He grabbed a tree, pulling it out of the ground, and started swinging at Toni.

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2014-01-16 02:05 am UTC (link)
Dammit, who the hell was this guy?

Toni threw herself backwards, firing a few blasts at the tree. Wood at a terrible conductor, but a hot enough blast could still do some damage.

She'd have to try and play this smarter. She had a whole hell of a lot of applications for her powers... Think!

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2014-01-16 02:36 am UTC (link)
The fire didn't bother Rampage that much. His hands burnt at first, but soon shifted to become thicker and more calloused against the damage. He he yelled, throw the burning tree at her.

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2014-01-17 12:00 am UTC (link)
Okay, seriously, what the hell were this guy's powers exactly? Strength, yes, obviously. But... what? Energy absorption? Some kind of adaptive armor? If the former, he probably had some kind of upper limit, and Toni was theoretically powerful enough to supply enough energy to keep Manhattan glowing for a week.

Of course, if he didn't have an upper limit, then it could just make things worse.

In the meantime, she put up an electromagnetic forcefield, which sparked and hummed under the force, but held.

Dammit. She wished she'd brought her disk. Or at least her goggles. She wasn't immune to the actual flash from her own electrical powers.

She started moving, firing the occasional bolt to keep his attention on her.

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2014-01-17 12:20 am UTC (link)
His new skin caused the bolts to barely sting him, but Toni had succeeded in getting his attention.

"One chance: Walk away, girl."

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2014-01-17 01:39 am UTC (link)
Toni drew herself up to her full height, electricity crackling in her hands.

"And here's your own chance. Stand down. Now."

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2014-01-18 03:18 pm UTC (link)
He didn't reply verbally, instead giving a yell before charging at her, a fist raised to strike.

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2014-01-18 11:56 pm UTC (link)
Toni tossed a ball of electrical energy at his face, mentally triggering it to detonate in a flash of searing bright light before it hit him. Nothing to absorb, just bright enough to blind.

Even before she could see if it worked, she unleashed more electromagnetic energy into the ground, pulling up pipes from the sewer lines to wrap around him.

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2014-01-19 12:37 am UTC (link)
The flash caught Rampage full in the face; as it wasn't a direct attack, his mutation couldn't react to it.

"Son of a bitch!" He cursed, trying to see, but then the pipes wrapped around him. "This isn't going to stop me!" He flexed against the pipes, the metal straining against his enhanced strength.

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2014-01-19 02:03 am UTC (link)
Toni grimaced slightly, tightening the pipes where she could. The pipes themselves weren't terribly important, but more a medium for transmitting her power that he couldn't absorb. But he was right. It couldn't hold him for long.

One of the pipes snaked up further, wrapping itself around his neck.

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2014-01-20 05:43 pm UTC (link)
Damn, the bitch was playing it smart. Time for a more a masochistic approach. When the pipe approached his neck, Rampage began to violently slam his head against the pipe. As he did so his face began to shift and mutate, thick spikes beginning to grow from his face, cutting the pipe.

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2014-01-20 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Dammit... what did it take to put this guy down? Sure, she could go all out with the zap-bolts... but she didn't know the limits to what he could absorb and couldn't know how much to shock without killing him.

Fortunately, there were other options...

She let the pipes fall to the ground, hoping he'd need a moment to orient himself while she gathered the pieces she needed.

There. A trash can. And there, a manhole cover. She just had to get them close enough...

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2014-01-21 12:56 am UTC (link)
Rampage did indeed need time to orient himself when the pipes released him. When he righted himself he howled and took off after Toni.

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2014-01-21 01:44 am UTC (link)
Good. One in front, one behind... string a magnetic charge between the two of them... and this was the risky part.

She fired a bolt directly at him, not to harm, but to charge the polarity of his magnetic field. Caught between the two unlike charges of the manhole and trashcan... it ought to suspend him in the air. Nothing to hit, nothing to hit him... just about perfect.

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2014-01-21 01:49 am UTC (link)
Rampage barreled through the charge, assuming he was now far too durable for her to hurt..and that's when he suddenly found himself shooting off the ground.

"What the hell!?" He roared in frustration as he now find himself hovering off the ground, unable to get down.

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2014-01-21 02:01 am UTC (link)
Toni managed a grin, maintaining the magnetic fields. "Applied magnetics, asshole."

She fished out her Avengers comm. card. "That'll hold you until the cops get here."

Or SHIELD. Probably SHIELD. This whole fight had probably made it to the news already.

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