Rallies, Riots, and Mutants
Though the subject matter of the rally on the local college campus greatly concerned and even directly affected Toni, she wasn't paying much attention to the words being spoken. Instead, she was watching both the crowd and the others gathering occasionally around the edges of it.
Despite having been around for several decades now, the issue of mutant rights continued to be a tricky and volatile one. While there were a great number of second generation super-heroes, many of whom had inherited the abilities of their parents, not all of them owed their abilities specifically to an X-Gene as she did. So it made her somewhat sensitive to the issue when it came up, especially since she was publicaly known to be one. But while she was well know as Anya Stark's best friend and as an Avenger, she was not quite so distinct that, out of costume, she couldn't slip easily into a crowd.
Call her crazy, but she was certain something in this thing was going to turn ugly.
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