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brit_sorcerer ([info]brit_sorcerer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-12-09 19:52:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, american eagle, argo, armadillo jr., ben parker, bentley 23, brandr, buck rogers, casey flynn, crosshairs, daniel grimm, dante coleridge, dolemeck, eiltin, fred mccoy, gregory price, halbjorn, kael, mac rider, mason jeffries, phobetor, plot-"rate the babe", quinn braddock, ryan spector, tyler morbius, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

Time Honored Tradition - Rate The Babe
The annual tradition of Rate the Babe was usually held at the Avengers mansion, but this year it would be held at Excalibur's headquarters in London. Quinn was more than happy to play host and set up refreshments. There was of course plenty of beer and it was accompanied by pub food.

Quinn was already on his fourth beer when the guys started arriving.

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Re: Toni
2013-12-10 10:53 pm UTC (link)
"Quite the beauty," Argo agreed. "I shall say eight and a half."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-10 10:55 pm UTC (link)
"I'll give her a seven and a half."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 10:59 pm UTC (link)
"I'll go seven and a half here too. No, I'll say eight."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:02 pm UTC (link)
"She's an eight."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:07 pm UTC (link)
"Seven for me."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"Hmm, very fetching. I will say eight as well."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:25 pm UTC (link)
"Wow. Eight for sure."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:26 pm UTC (link)
"Very pretty and a well-defined figure. I'll go with eight."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"I suppose I will say seven."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Well..she is my boss' best friend..still..she is pretty..eight."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-10 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"She is rather beautiful and a capable warrior. Eight."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-11 01:02 am UTC (link)
"Another pretty lass. Nine."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-11 01:24 am UTC (link)
"Wow....that's a nice picture. Umm...eight and half?"

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Re: Toni
2013-12-11 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Nice! Definite eight and a half, though from what I hear she needs to loosen up more."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-11 07:41 am UTC (link)
"Nice body, not feeling the face. Seven."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-11 09:39 pm UTC (link)
"I think a 10 just for being able to put up with Anya Stark.."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-13 07:33 pm UTC (link)
"She's, um, very fit... Seven."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-14 09:33 pm UTC (link)
"I think she's a little too skinny. No."

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Re: Toni
2013-12-15 05:36 pm UTC (link)
"She has a very nice face. Seven and a half."

(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread)

Re: Toni
2013-12-22 01:38 pm UTC (link)
"Yes! My legions of doom will need an administrator, and the mutation is icing. Nine, for those and other reasons."

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