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brit_sorcerer ([info]brit_sorcerer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-12-09 19:52:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, american eagle, argo, armadillo jr., ben parker, bentley 23, brandr, buck rogers, casey flynn, crosshairs, daniel grimm, dante coleridge, dolemeck, eiltin, fred mccoy, gregory price, halbjorn, kael, mac rider, mason jeffries, phobetor, plot-"rate the babe", quinn braddock, ryan spector, tyler morbius, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

Time Honored Tradition - Rate The Babe
The annual tradition of Rate the Babe was usually held at the Avengers mansion, but this year it would be held at Excalibur's headquarters in London. Quinn was more than happy to play host and set up refreshments. There was of course plenty of beer and it was accompanied by pub food.

Quinn was already on his fourth beer when the guys started arriving.

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2013-12-10 12:43 am UTC (link)
This was the second year Manny had attended this get-together. He had hitched a ride with Kelly, and stuck close to her, though he gave small smiles and waves to the guys he remembered from last time.

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2013-12-10 12:44 am UTC (link)
Brandr hadn't gone last year, but he'd been encouraged to this year. And appreciating the beauty of women along with drinking? If that wasn't something a Fandralsson could do then...well there was something wrong with the world.

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2013-12-10 12:45 am UTC (link)
"Argo, too drunk on mere Olympian grape? Perish the thought. He wouldst need drink for days on end."

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2013-12-10 12:45 am UTC (link)
Fred stood next to Vlad, stoically taking in the proceedings, not quite as stiff as he had been last year.

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2013-12-10 12:46 am UTC (link)
Blame Dante and Daniel. The double Ds were to blame for him being here! But seriously....at least they could go explore the city after this. And pretty superhero girls did sound like a good idea...

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2013-12-10 12:47 am UTC (link)
"Then I'm going to have to try some. Want to see what they drink up there."

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2013-12-10 12:47 am UTC (link)
"I'd rather not think of my brother on a days long alcohol binge."

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2013-12-10 12:48 am UTC (link)
"This is no mere grape, Asgardian," Argo said with a grin. "A gift from Dionysus himself upon my setting out on adventures in the Earth realm!"

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2013-12-10 12:49 am UTC (link)
Ryan arrived with a bottle of jager. It was fun getting out of the city for a while.

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2013-12-10 12:52 am UTC (link)
"Goibniu's work's much better I would think," Eiltin says.

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2013-12-10 12:55 am UTC (link)
Even Hal isn't going to be too hard on a gift from the god of drunkness. He may even have to try it. Later.

Argo himself, however, is another matter - with a smile, and in the best of friendly intent, of course.

"So tis the perfect brew for lazing about amidst fair women and soft music?"

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2013-12-10 01:03 am UTC (link)
"I can think of worse ways to spend the day, my friend," Argo laughed.

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2013-12-10 09:14 pm UTC (link)
As Manny had hitched a ride with Kelly, Jack had decided he was hitching a ride with Manny. Literally. He'd stuck to his plates on his back as they entered the building. For now, he'd made himself comfortable, sprawled out on the ceiling of the room.

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2013-12-11 12:01 am UTC (link)
It took Lexie a minute of pacing outside before she had the guts to go in. She couldn't NOT go to London! Her face was as read as her hair, and she made a beeline for Fred, her eyes darting around nervously.

...There were a lot of guys.

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2013-12-11 12:55 am UTC (link)
Kelly notices the scurrying. "Hey, chica. Welcome to the party."

So much for not having attention called to her.

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2013-12-11 12:57 am UTC (link)
Oh thank GOD. Lexie smiled nervously over at Kelly, "Hi...I thought I'd be the only girl. Woman." Because Kelly was *not* a girl...she was a woman. And that made her blush all over again.

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2013-12-11 01:21 am UTC (link)
Kelly shifts around, laying upside down in her spot, legs draped over the back of the couch, regarding Lexie a bit closer.

"Nah. Very nearly, but the sausage fest does have a little bit of estrogen injection. Welcome to the party, long as you're here to admire the tits."

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2013-12-13 06:35 pm UTC (link)
"Hey everyone!" Mason had been happy to greet everyone when he entered the room pulling a wheeled cooler behind him. He'd brought all manner of barware, and plenty of bottled water. More importantly, he had a notebook full of diagrams he'd been studying; the chemical compositions of various cocktails, wines, and beers. "Any requests you want, I'm mixing."

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2013-12-15 05:25 pm UTC (link)
Despite telling Argo he'd been planning on going anyway, Vincent had been bodily dragged along. He was certainly going to need a glass or two of that wine to cope with his teammate. It was nice to see everyone again. Thanksgiving and the winter holiday of choice were for family, but the superhero community at large was a nice group to keep in touch with as well.

"Good to see everyone again."

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2013-12-17 11:38 pm UTC (link)
"Everyone can relax! The greatest mad genius mind of our time has arrived!" Bentley proclaims as he enters the room, all smiles and swagger, as he makes his way to a prime viewing location.

"I've been meaning to get to one of these for a while. Great way to assess potential Sexy Lab Assistants."

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