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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-11-29 18:24:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, anya stark, asleif, awesome andrea, cosmopolitan, emmeline wagner, etoile lebeau, joanna ketch, nimue smallwood, perenawska, plot-"rate the hunk", rachel summers, sammy fury, svalin, toni rhodes, tsunami

Time Honored Tradition - Rate The Hunk
Anya had spent Thanksgiving with her team and with her family. Early dinner in Boston and then dinner with the family in New York in the evening. It was great having two Thanksgiving Day dinners. The best part of the holiday after the food was the day after Thanksgiving. It wasn't for the shopping or the deals, but for the time honored tradition of rating the male members of the superhero community.

Anya had the rec room of the Avengers mansion all prepared. Pizza, snacks, drinks of the soft kind and other various items for eating and drinking were laid out. Electronics were all prepared for the event. All that was left was for the guests to arrive.

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2013-11-30 07:54 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, I'll go over the rules real quick because we have some Rate The Hunk virgins.

Here's how this is done. I show you a picture of a guy and you rate him from one to ten.

First, remember this is all in good fun. Some of you may be dating some of these guys and just remember we're not here to steal them from you. We're just here to ogle them a bit.

Here's the scale and how it's broken down.

1 barely qualifies for manhood, let alone hunkdom. Think Mole Man here.

2 is a step up from 1 and can be considered a man in the loosest sense of the word.

3 You don’t go out of your way to avoid them, but you wouldn’t really notice them.

4 You may notice them enough to give a few seconds look, but that’s about it.

5 borderline on hunkdom here. You don’t go out of your way to look, but there is at least a look.

6 You make an effort to take a look, but you only look. Touching would not be an option.

7 A look and probably a few other looks after the first one. Touching is definitely an option.

8 Someone you’d invite into a hottub and would definitely touch. You wouldn’t kick him out of your bed in the morning.

9 major league hunkdom here and worth starting a lot of rumors with. You’d be more than happy to wake up next to him in the morning.

10 the end all and be all of hunkdom. A hunk of godly proportions and one you wouldn’t let out of your bed even if you had to chain him to the headboard.

Don't forget that personality plays a bit part as well as physical appearance. Also, no asking where I got the pictures. I will never tell."

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