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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-11-22 19:00:00

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Current location:Somewhere in Montana
Current mood: shocked
Entry tags:argo, dolemeck, phobetor

The Camping Trip
Argo had called up, somewhat thrilled about going on another trip. Then again, anything seemed to excite Argo or make him wish to adventure these days! Dolemeck was a bit hesitant to go, as EVERY adventure he went on with Argo led to some misadventure or chaos breaking out. But this one sounded... normal. They would rent some horses and go to Montana for a camping trip. No monsters, no crazy ex-girlfriends, no strippers... just camping with the guys. It sounded so normal, Dolemeck had to pinch himself to see if he was having a dream.

Being as this was so normal, Dolemeck did not tell Tyler. Besides, he was a grown man and did not need to tell him everything anymore, right? He left a note on the fridge that he would be gone for a few days, and that he left Tyler a few cooked meals as an act of kindness (and because eating out was expensive). Dolemeck even managed to get time off of work as a barista and model to be able to go on this little adventure, so there was not a single loose end.

Upon his arrival in Montana, Dolemeck waited for Argo's plane to arrive. After-all, he knew where they were going!

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-05 02:15 am UTC (link)
"Where are you, Dayton... where did you go?" He muttered in old English before starting to venture a little deeper into the water. The water was now up to his shoulders... again, not a good sign, as he appeared to be sleep walking/dreaming still. "Brother...? Brother where are you? It's late... we need to go home, now.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-05 10:15 am UTC (link)
Sleep walking? Interesting. What was this guy doing? Acting out his dream? Phil formed a construct arch bridge from the shore to the water and walked up to the top of the arch, using his higher vantage point and proximity to watch Dolomeck with a grin and curiosity in his eyes.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 01:00 am UTC (link)
Argo couldn't make out enough of Dolemeck's words for his godly prowess of translation to take effect, but he drew more concerned as his small friend grew more desperate.

"Dolemeck!" he shouted again. "Wake up!"

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 01:07 am UTC (link)
"Huh?" He started to wake up, only to begin to panic as he realized that 1. He was nude and 2. he was in some deep water in a lake. He flailed some before making his way to a section of the lake that was closer to shore, and that kept his waist covered.

"How the bloody hell did I get here!? Where are my clothes!? Why is it so cold!?" He screamed out to Argo on shore, as well as to Phil who had constructed a make-shift bridge near him. Dolemeck noted his skin was red from the harsh weather, and that his nose was runny. "This is not funny!"

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 01:53 am UTC (link)
Phil, for once didn't look endlessly amused as he normally would have in this sort of situation. He looked a bit put out and disappointed. Sure, he'd known Argo would wake the demon (he could've done it himself faster and earlier), but he didn't want to really. Sleep walking was interesting, and in this case it clearly corresponded with some sort of nightmare. Why would he ever give the opportunity to observe that up?

So he looked a bit put out and sighed as he walked down the steps of his bridge and back to shore. It had been such an interesting opportunity to observe. "Well nobody's laughing, and you brought yourself out here. Lucky for you we found you. It's cold because it's winter, seriously....you going to come out now? Sorta need you out of the water to get you back."

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 02:08 am UTC (link)
"You have us all quite a scare," Argo said. He made his way down closer to the water.

"Come! We must get you back and get you warm!"

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 02:13 am UTC (link)
"I did not mean to give you all *sneezes* a scare." he started to make his way towards Argo and Phil, keeping his hands in front of himself to prevent them from seeing things they should not.

"I was having this dream that my brother and I were playing in the woods, and that this dragon appeared. I slayed the dragon, but then my brother was gone and I was looking all over for him... and then I woke up in this pond."

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 07:10 pm UTC (link)
"Wasn't a dragon, you beheaded a bear," Phil pointed out as Dolomeck finally walked to them, some of his usual amusement was coming back slowly now.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 07:25 pm UTC (link)
"A truly epic victory," Argo agreed, but sympathetically. He pulled off his cloak and handed it to Dolemeck so he could cover himself.

"You gave us quite a fright, my friend."

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-06 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"I decapitated a bear? With what?" he blinked at Phil, then turned to Argo as he wrapped himself up in the cloak he was offered. "Again, I do apologize. This is not the first time I have fallen asleep and wandered somewhere. I did it two other times while I lived at home with the Atlas Foundation."

He shivered as they walked through the snow, heading back towards the cabin. By the time they got back, poor Dolemeck was as red as a lobster. Thankfully, no parts of him had turned black with frostbite.

"So... I really killed a bear by myself?"

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-21 01:45 pm UTC (link)
"With your hands of course," he said casually. "Seriously Dol, aren't you a demon? A bear can't stand against that, don't act so surprised you managed it."

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-21 11:04 pm UTC (link)
"Aye," Argo said. "You might say you did it with your... bare hands!" And he laughed.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-21 11:08 pm UTC (link)
"I am not a..." before he could argue with Phil, Argo told that joke. That one, seemingly lame joke to most. But to Dolemeck who had never heard of such a joke before, it was funny. Not just funny, hilarious.

He was laughing so hard, tears came from the corners of his eyes, and he had been thrown into a coughing fit. More than likely he was sick from being out in the elements with nothing on.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-27 12:48 am UTC (link)
Phil just stood there with an unamused stare. Not because that'd been an absolutely awful pun, it had been, but because it really was not worth the laughing fit Dolomeck was descending into. "Well now we know what sort of sense of humour you have..." A rubbish one, he thought.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-27 01:23 am UTC (link)
Argo grinned, but quickly turned more serious. "We need to get you inside," he said.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-27 01:10 pm UTC (link)
"Good idea." he shivered, moving quickly to try and catch up with Argo. The man walked with a long stride sometimes, and despite Dolemeck's height, it was somewhat hard to catch up to Argo at times. "That was funny, though! I never heard of such a joke, before!"

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-31 08:19 am UTC (link)
"Or a joke at all clearly..." He said under his breath with an eyeroll.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-01-31 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"I am glad you enjoyed it, Dolemeck."

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-02-01 01:59 pm UTC (link)
"I did, I did!" He said with a smile that was as bright as the sun. Though he began a coughing fit by the time they arrived back at the cabin. before anyone could say anything, Dolemeck made his way to the bathroom and started to fill up the tub with hot water.

"You should tell me jokes more often! They are just as entertaining to me as your tales of heroism!"

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-02-07 10:27 am UTC (link)
Phil was about to make some sarcastic comment, opened his mouth...and stopped. A slow grin spread.

"You know Dol, camping usually involves a tradition of telling stories around the campfire..." Scary stories too...hehehe.

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Re: Cabin in the woods
2014-02-08 10:41 pm UTC (link)
Argo just laughed. "Perhaps we should do that once you are warm enough."

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