The Camping Trip
Argo had called up, somewhat thrilled about going on another trip. Then again, anything seemed to excite Argo or make him wish to adventure these days! Dolemeck was a bit hesitant to go, as EVERY adventure he went on with Argo led to some misadventure or chaos breaking out. But this one sounded... normal. They would rent some horses and go to Montana for a camping trip. No monsters, no crazy ex-girlfriends, no strippers... just camping with the guys. It sounded so normal, Dolemeck had to pinch himself to see if he was having a dream.
Being as this was so normal, Dolemeck did not tell Tyler. Besides, he was a grown man and did not need to tell him everything anymore, right? He left a note on the fridge that he would be gone for a few days, and that he left Tyler a few cooked meals as an act of kindness (and because eating out was expensive). Dolemeck even managed to get time off of work as a barista and model to be able to go on this little adventure, so there was not a single loose end.
Upon his arrival in Montana, Dolemeck waited for Argo's plane to arrive. After-all, he knew where they were going!
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