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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-11-22 19:00:00

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Current location:Somewhere in Montana
Current mood: shocked
Entry tags:argo, dolemeck, phobetor

The Camping Trip
Argo had called up, somewhat thrilled about going on another trip. Then again, anything seemed to excite Argo or make him wish to adventure these days! Dolemeck was a bit hesitant to go, as EVERY adventure he went on with Argo led to some misadventure or chaos breaking out. But this one sounded... normal. They would rent some horses and go to Montana for a camping trip. No monsters, no crazy ex-girlfriends, no strippers... just camping with the guys. It sounded so normal, Dolemeck had to pinch himself to see if he was having a dream.

Being as this was so normal, Dolemeck did not tell Tyler. Besides, he was a grown man and did not need to tell him everything anymore, right? He left a note on the fridge that he would be gone for a few days, and that he left Tyler a few cooked meals as an act of kindness (and because eating out was expensive). Dolemeck even managed to get time off of work as a barista and model to be able to go on this little adventure, so there was not a single loose end.

Upon his arrival in Montana, Dolemeck waited for Argo's plane to arrive. After-all, he knew where they were going!

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2013-12-01 03:29 am UTC (link)
"Bloody... give me back my phone, Phil!" He chased after Phil, not shadowporting, as he was trying his best to come off as more "human" when in public. By the time he caught up with Phil, Argo had been able to get a car.

"No, no, no, no." He quickly said, putting his hands up. "I want no part of this! This is breaking the law!"

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2013-12-01 03:44 am UTC (link)
Argo looked from Phil to Dolemeck, looking rather confused. "I... what? What happened while I was gone?"

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2013-12-01 03:49 am UTC (link)
"Nah, nothing. Dolomeck just let his nerves get the best of him. He's worried about being pulled over. But seriously Dol, you're with an Avenger and a Champion. That has cred, they're not going to stick you in jail as long as you're with us."

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2013-12-01 03:52 am UTC (link)
"I... I am unsure..." He looked rather worried. He still tried to get his phone back from Phil, who was basically playing "keep away" with him. "Are you sure things will be okay?"

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2013-12-01 11:09 pm UTC (link)
"Phil, return Dolemeck's phone to him. If he wishes to seek alternate transportation, he is his choice."

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2013-12-01 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Phil sighed and rolled his eyes at this. He put an arm around Dolomeck's shoulder and pulled him in. "Dol, Dol, Dol, think for a second. What's Argo here known for? A good time. Now would he consider you in jail a good time? Not at all. So do you think for a second he'd let them arrest you? Pfft no."

He dangled the phone in front of Dolomeck's face, close enough for the demon to grab it back if he wanted. "So , do you trust Argo to know a good time or no?" Because reckless driving without a license didn't seem to be something Phil police would make a huge fuss over given that it was Argo (with his luck it'd be a female cop) the Champion and an Avenger in the car. Hell, this area seemed pretty empty so chances of being pulled over were low in his mind.

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2013-12-01 11:23 pm UTC (link)
He oddly enough did not take the phone when Phil dangled it in his face. He just relented and gave out a defeated sigh. Phil made some sense, and he did trust Argo... despite how foolish that made him look to others.

Without saying much of a peep, he got out from Phil's hold and placed his belongings in the trunk of the rental car, and quietly took a seat in the back of it. Though he did put his seat-belt on. Not because he did not trust Argo, but because it was a safety matter... and the law!

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2013-12-03 01:15 am UTC (link)
Argo handed the keys over to Phil before stowing his own belongings and climbing into the passenger seat. He took a moment to put the seat as far back as it would go.

"Adventure awaits us!"

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2013-12-03 02:03 am UTC (link)
Phil grinned with a 'told you so' to Argo before they all piled into the car and he slid into the driver's seat and rubbed his hands together with a grin. Driving to the cabin on pretty open road...this should be fun.

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