Meme: Josh and Ben Chase
It was supposed to be discreet. The government had gone to great lengths to have the prototype technology transferred to a local scientist for study, even keeping SHIELD out of the loop for the purposes of secrecy. It should have worked. The vehicle was nondescript and the accompanying vehicles were subtle in their position of guarding the important vehicle. By all rights it should have worked..but this was far from an ordinary world. Hover-vehicles of unknown design seemed to appear out of nowhere, actually using an advanced form of cloaking technology, and blocked the disguised convoy in front and back. Men in the blue-silver suits of RAID disembarked the hover-vehicles and quickly began to fire on the guard vehicles.
An Asian man with cybernetic enhancements stepped out of the lead-vehicle of the attackers. "Let us make this quick, shall we?" He withdrew a sword crackling with energy and sped toward the defenders, cutting them down both quickly and efficiently. Sheathing his blade he forcibly pulled the doors open of the van containing the device. "Take it and load it quickly. I trust I do not need to stress that you be careful." The RAID technicians nodded, grabbing the experiment and moved to load it.
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