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Adrienne Batroc ([info]ze_leaper) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-11-17 19:54:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, armadillo jr., guardian

Breakfast, ze most important meal of ze day (open to T-Bolts)
Adrienne was not, by nature, much of an early riser.  Not when her "job" very often required her to be out very late at night.  In many of the cities of the world she had traveled to in her time as a cat burglar, this was not a problem.  There were ever so many cities that never seemed to sleep.

But now, when she only pulled a job on rare occasion (and always, she would stress, from someone who actually deserved it), and kept her skills sharper through the occasional consultation job, she actually spent regular hours in a bed.  Distressing, really.  She was quite nearly legitimate these days.

Not that it made her father any less proud.  He had nearly gone straight himself a time or two, and both of them lived quite well by their codes of honor.

But at the moment, it was still fairly nearly in the morning, a little after seven.  Adrienne was the first up--or at least, the first one into the kitchen--so she was making some crepes.

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2013-11-24 02:23 pm UTC (link)
"If you have to ask that, you haven't watched enough movies.

Also, Kelly." Jack explains.

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2013-11-24 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Adrienne rolled her eyes. "I am sure zere are reasons to look up, but one should not have to worry in zeir own kitchen."

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