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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-11-03 19:29:00

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Current location:Seattle, WA
Current mood: cold
Entry tags:dolemeck, tyler morbius

Apartment Hunting
Tyler's apartment was a bit too small for two grown men. Dolemeck had been sleeping on the couch or floor (depending on how he felt) and the two often times complained of the lack of room. So once they had dealt with the Tryks that had recently popped up in the city, they decided it was time to go looking for a bigger place.

Dolemeck had begun to dress more casual, wearing a wool coat with a black t-shirt underneath, a pair of tan cargo pants, and some black sneakers. This way he looked more "normal" when they went looking for a new place to live. Again, he came off as more calm and level headed as they looked at various ads in the paper and arranged to have look overs at some complexes.

"Anything strike your fancy, yet?"

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2013-11-04 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. You wanna see it?" The man asked before waving Dolemeck and Tyler into the building. Inside was not bad as the outside... but still not great looking. After a rickety elevator up to the third floor, he lead Dolemeck and Tyler up to the apartment from the ad. "Here it is. Umm... just take a look around and what not."

"Tyler... is that a chalk outline of a body?"

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2013-11-04 02:19 am UTC (link)
"Sir, how long have you been advertising for this..building?"

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2013-11-04 02:25 am UTC (link)
"The whole building? Well..." He rubs his scruffy chin. "About a three and a half years."

Dolemeck clearly did not look impressed.

"And how many apartments have you rented out in that time?" he asked.

"Ummm..." The man started to count on his fingers, only to turn and frown at Dolemeck. "What's it to you? This place is clearly a good deal!"

"There is a chalk outline in this room!"

"I can get that cleaned up for you in like a week..."

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2013-11-04 03:27 am UTC (link)
"Was someone killed her?" Tyler demanded to know.

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2013-11-04 03:51 am UTC (link)
"Nah, just some kids playing around... they broke in and decided to make the place look like some horror show." The man broke out into a nervous laughter when asked if someone was killed in this complex. "They used spray paint to do that outline, not chalk, which is why I said it would take a week before I can get it you know, fixed."

Dolemeck rubbed his shoe on the "chalk" outline, finding it did not rub off. It was in fact painted on.

"How many tenants currently reside here?" He asked calmly, not going off the rails like he would "normally" do.

"In the whole building? Well... about ten or so people. Most rent on the first floor. Got maybe one or two on the second, and on this floor... no one."

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2013-11-04 04:03 am UTC (link)
Oh lord.

"Excuse us for a moment would you?" When they were away he looks over at Dolemeck. "There's no way this is legitimate."

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2013-11-04 04:10 am UTC (link)
"I highly doubt it as well. This feels somewhat shady." he looked at Tyler rather seriously. "I also do not feel very safe here if people can easily break into the building! If that is the case, what would prevent a vampire from coming in and attacking us?"

Dolemeck sighed as he moved back towards the "landlord" and gave him a small smile. "I thank you for giving us the tour. But we need to get going. We shall think about renting form this complex. Again, thank you." He did not shake the man's hand and instead grabbed Tyler by the arm and swiftly walked out of the building, leaving the man renting the room somewhat stunned.

"I will only think of such a place in my nightmares. That was bloody awful!" he confessed once they were back on the street.

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2013-11-04 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Agreed on all counts," Tyler replied at Dolemeck's observation. After they left Tyler breathed a sigh of relief. "I half-expected gangsters to show up any minute."

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2013-11-04 04:24 am UTC (link)
"I was expecting my pocket to be picked on my way out the building!" He checked himself to thankfully find his wallet and personal belongings still on him. "Well, now that we got that out of the way, let us check out the next apartment you circled.... wait. Was that not the one near the company of your enemy?"

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2013-11-04 04:32 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but that's too close for my comfort," Tyler affirmed. "We check elsewhere."

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2013-11-04 04:40 am UTC (link)
The next place on the list was the one Dolemeck picked out. It was actually in a rather posh section of the city. They even had a front desk inside the apartment building where someone was there to greet there.

"Hello, we are here to check out the two bedroom apartment for rent." Dolemeck smiled at the lady behind her desk. She was blonde and probably in her mid-fourties.

"Of course! Please, follow me, gentlemen." She smiled, getting out from behind the desk and giving the two a tour of the apartment complex. Showing off that there was a rather nice looking pool, the demographics of the renters was between the ages of 25-40, and that they were close to some of the trendy hot spots in town. She also had a habit of looking at Dolemeck somewhat... illicitly.

They took the elevator up to the second floor (and thankfully this elevator felt safe and did not smell foul) and finally made their way to the apartment. It was rather large, had new furniture inside, and the view was quite nice.

"Now, then. Please take a look around, and if you have any questions. And I mean... any questions... " That was directed to Dolemeck who just looked clueless. "Please let me know."

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2013-11-04 04:42 am UTC (link)
Tyler just raised an eyebrow before looking back over at Dolemeck. "Does that happen often?"

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2013-11-04 04:47 am UTC (link)
"Aye, it does." He just shrugged it off and walked about the apartment. "This place is quite nice... and we have closets in each bedroom?"

"Yes you do." The woman nodded her head. "You also have bathrooms in each bedroom as well. All with new furnishings. A perfect bachelor pad for two handsome, young men such as yourselves."

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2013-11-04 05:09 am UTC (link)
Admittingly there was a part of Tyler wondering if this woman was a succubus in disguise, but realized that was just paranoia.

"It is very nice," he agreed. "So how much would rent be a week?"

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2013-11-04 05:16 am UTC (link)
"We only accept monthly payments, sir." She smiled, walking over with a paper for the two to look over. "Monthly, you are looking at two thousand, as the furnishing will be including. The unit we had before that was unfurnished unfortunately was rented out not too long ago. Someone mixed up the ads and I am so sorry about that."

"And the security deposit?" Dolemeck asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman.

"That will be three thousand. One thousand to cover any damages, and two thousand to cover a month's worth of rent should you break lease early or find yourselves in a hardship."

"Would you please excuse us?" Dolemeck took Tyler by the arm and walked into the bedroom, away from the woman. "I am sorry, I had no clue this place would be so expensive. I can pay for it on my own, as it is well... this is cheaper than the place I had in New York. But I do not want you to feel badly if I am paying for it all. I know it would bother you and that is the last thing I want. It is up to you if we get this place or not."

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2013-11-04 09:18 pm UTC (link)
"It's definitely more expensive that I had planned for," Tyler admits. "On the other hand, it would work well for our needs.." Tyler rubbed the back of his neck, conflicted.

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2013-11-04 09:25 pm UTC (link)
"Maybe I can ask her if she can knock some money off?" He questioned before coming out and speaking with the woman. "Ms. ..."

"You can call me Beverly, handsome." She smiled wide at Dolemeck and then placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Is there any way that perhaps... you can knock a few dollars off of this apartment? My friend and I really, really like it, but it is quite expensive..."

"Well, it is considered a luxury apartment." She grinned. "I will tell you want, I can get this for you at the price of the other one. you just have to do a little something for me in return?"

"And that is?" Dolemeck paled suddenly.

"Well, we have many apartments here for rent still, and we've been looking for a model for some new glossy ads. If you agree to model for them, I will lower your rent. As well, you would be working for us."

"Modeling?" he raised an eyebrow. "Very well, I shall agree to this."

"Wonderful! You can move in this weekend, and next week stop by the office downstairs to start your job with us Mr. ...?"

"Night, Dolemeck night, mi'lady."

"Are you sure you are not a professional model? I mean with a name like that... and the accent..."

"I get this a lot, ma'am. And no, that is my real name."

"Please, call me Beverly!"

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2013-11-04 10:14 pm UTC (link)
Wow..just wow. That was all he could think regarding the exchange he just saw.

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2013-11-04 10:30 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck just looked stunned as Beverly left the room after he wrote out a check for the deposit and first month's rent for the new apartment. She was going to come back with a receipt. He turned back to Tyler, wide eyed.

"Well... we got our new place, at least. And Mum will be thrilled to hear I am a model, now."

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2013-11-04 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"Dolemeck, you really didn't have to.." Wait..what? "She will?"

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2013-11-04 11:15 pm UTC (link)
"Aye. My Mum is... an interesting woman. She herself once was a model." He smiled a bit meekly. "And she enjoys beautiful things, true love, rainbows, and sunshine. If anything, Mum will think I am following in her foot-steps."

"Besides, it could always be worse." He watched as Beverly returned to the room and handed Dolemeck a receipt and some papers to sign. "Tyler, you have to sign the lease papers as well."

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2013-11-04 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Well that's certainly different than from how his mother would react in a similar situation.

"Sure, Dolemeck." He looks over the papers, scanning to make sure everything was on the up an up before signing his name.

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2013-11-04 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Everything was on the up and up. Nothing suspicious, and everything was clearly written down in the lease. Dolemeck had even signed personally for a pet lease, in case he got a pet. After everything was signed and hands were shook, Dolemeck and Tyler now had a new apartment.

"This is very exciting!" Dolemeck was quite cheerful. "We should throw an apartment warming party or something."

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2013-11-05 12:06 am UTC (link)
Tyler had to admit, all things considered, it was a good deal.

"You mean have the other Nightstalkers over?" Tyler asked.

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2013-11-05 12:12 am UTC (link)
"Aye. Who else would we invite?" He gave Tyler a gently pat on the shoulder. "I would be more than happy to cook for our friends!"

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(no subject) - [info]living_dhampir, 2013-11-05 12:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-11-05 01:01 am UTC

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