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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-10-16 19:23:00

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Entry tags:american eagle, eiltin, emmeline wagner, frances barton, griffen o'niell, npc - zodiac, plot-"underworld war", toni rhodes

Trouble in the City By the Bay (Open to WCA and anyone in SF to react)
Once the imprisoned Zodiac members were free, they didn't wait long to make a move. Mikel Fury directed the members to attack Leo and his Triads in San Francisco. Violence erupted in the streets in the more seedier parts of the city and the civilians stayed inside out of the way.

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2013-10-20 08:46 pm UTC (link)
He definitely was quick. She attempted to erect a magical barrier before he could get to her.

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2013-10-22 09:29 pm UTC (link)
She is able to get up the magical shield just in time. Eiltin starts testing the shields strength with his spear.

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2013-10-29 09:18 pm UTC (link)
That was admittedly lucky of her. Even more so, her shield was fairly strong. But it wasn't going to last forever if it was assaulted by something strong enough, or if it was assaulted long enough.

"What's wrong? Couldn't slip through in time?"

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2013-10-30 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"Even a fool may get lucky sometimes," Eiltin calls back as he prods the shield with his spear at increasing speed.

Ruarc got up from the car looking a little groggy as he made his way over to Eiltin's side.

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