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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-10-15 21:22:00

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Entry tags:jenny woolverton, vincent vernard

In The Absence of Tone
From: charmschoolwizard@ff.net
To: jwoolverton@champions.com

Subject: Friday night?

Jenny, I've been thinking a lot about the night with the blackout. The stuff before the wraith, I mean. You really made me feel comfortable with myself; and frankly, that's not something that's been familiar to me in a while. I've got a dinner reservation at Slices of Heaven for 8 this Friday. I'd like to see you there, if you're interested.

- Vincent

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2013-11-07 05:55 pm UTC (link)
"'If mankind could be crossed with the domestic cat, it would improve man, but it would diminish the cat.' Samuel Clemens or Mark Twain, whichever you prefer." Vincent smiles. "But I echo your sentiment in the broader strokes. Has Argo ever tried kidnapping you for one of his adventures, heroic or otherwise? In my case, a door that can be opened in two or less blows doesn't count as locked against him." He rolls his eyes.

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2013-11-12 12:20 am UTC (link)
"For the most part, Argo has been a considerate teammate. No kidnapping for adventures or anything else. My cat adores him. The noises I attribute to his vast social life."

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2013-11-12 03:44 am UTC (link)
"He seems to think I need to get out more... and expresses this incredibly poorly." Vincent comments, then raises an eyebrow. "Well... I suppose even the wisdom of cats isn't infallible."

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