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living_dhampir ([info]living_dhampir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-10-09 20:11:00

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Entry tags:dolemeck, gregory price, joanna ketch, plot - "tryks in seattle", rita dermont, team - nightstalkers, tyler morbius

The Hunt is On
The area was known in certain underground circles as being one of Seattle's largest vampire population centers. The Patriarch had arranged for Greg to attain a scent from one of the vampires killed by the tryk. Now they were spread out, but not too far from each other, keeping in contact. Tyler himself was perched on a rooftop, allowing him to scan for suspicious movements.

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Re: Team Two: Greg and Jo
2013-11-04 12:26 am UTC (link)
Very human shock washes over Jo's transformed features, as she now finds herself with a vampire skull mostly embedded upon her boot. "Oh... oh what the HELL?!" She begins violently thrashing her leg, trying to shake it loose.

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Re: Team Two: Greg and Jo
2013-11-04 12:58 am UTC (link)
The tryk at first had picked up speed but Greg had caught up quickly and it wasn't long before the tryk was mauled.

The other one tried to grab Jo's leg and pull it out of his skull. Finally the tryk came loose. No longer feeling like fighting, the tryk took off in the other direction.

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Re: Team Two: Greg and Jo
2013-11-05 09:34 pm UTC (link)
Greg kept tearing and ripping with claws and teeth until there wasn't anything left. When he was done he howled and sniffed the air. It was time for another target.

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Re: Team Two: Greg and Jo
2013-11-09 04:01 pm UTC (link)
"Don't let them get away!" Jo whips her bow around and brings it back to the strings, playing reveille.

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Re: Team Two: Greg and Jo
2013-11-10 02:10 am UTC (link)
The second tryk suddenly transformed his appearance and darted away screaming.

"Help! Call the police! Monsters are trying to kill me!"

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Re: Team Two: Greg and Jo
2013-11-10 06:41 pm UTC (link)
In a normal frame of mind Greg would have stopped the chase, but he wasn't in a normal state of mind and he ran down the tryk.

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