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living_dhampir ([info]living_dhampir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-10-09 20:11:00

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Entry tags:dolemeck, gregory price, joanna ketch, plot - "tryks in seattle", rita dermont, team - nightstalkers, tyler morbius

The Hunt is On
The area was known in certain underground circles as being one of Seattle's largest vampire population centers. The Patriarch had arranged for Greg to attain a scent from one of the vampires killed by the tryk. Now they were spread out, but not too far from each other, keeping in contact. Tyler himself was perched on a rooftop, allowing him to scan for suspicious movements.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 01:08 am UTC (link)
"Go ahead and try." His eyes narrowed as he remained still. "Let go of the vampire and let's how well you can play with a demon."

He was not afraid, if anything Dolemeck was dead calm. He knew his job was to kill the creature or at least distract it while Tyler laid claim to the kill. That meant doing whatever he could.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 06:03 pm UTC (link)
Tyler checked once more on the tools in his jacket, hoping they'd be enough to put tryk down.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 06:07 pm UTC (link)
"Well aren't you ballsy? First thing's first," the tryk, with incredible speed, grabbed the vampire's neck and tore the head from its body, causing the vampire to drop. "Don't want too many people knowing I'm here." He beckoned forward with his hands. "Come on, demon, I've fed way. Let's see what you got."

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 06:47 pm UTC (link)
"Was that supposed to scare me?" His voice started to sound more demonic. Dolemeck could only give a toothy smirk before charging at the Tryk. He moved at a normal man's speed, nothing special. But halfway towards the Tryk, he shadowported, only to come up behind the creature and use one dirk to slash at the tendons behind his knee, and the other to plunge it in the center of his back, trying to severe his spine.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 06:58 pm UTC (link)
The tryk had been ready to parry an attack, but the shadowporting had caught him off-guard. He spun around as soon as he heard his foe's breath behind him, but Dolemeck's strike to his tendon was successful. However, he quickly reached to grab Dolemeck's other wrist.

"Was that supposed to scare me?" He mocked back. Dolemeck may hear a slight, squishing sound as the tryk's hand-spike began to erupt from his enemy's palm.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 07:14 pm UTC (link)
"I do not care if what I do scares you or not. I am going to KILL you." His own voice was very dark, demonic still.

Dolemeck could shadowport with the Tryk and drag him into Limbo, allowing him to be devoured by the flames there or let the other demons tear him apart. The problem would be getting him to let go mid-shadowport. That was too risky, so he kept stabbing the Tryk in his side with his free blade. All while keeping a death grip on the other blade in his capture hand. All Dolemeck could do was continue to do as much damage as possible without showing any fear.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 07:25 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck had him where they needed him! Tyler removed the blade from his coat. He was no Blade, in fact he'd be lucky to be beat a real swordsman in a fight, but the steel was strong and in theory would be able to decapitate the tryk. He launched himself from his vantage point at the tryk so as catch the monster across the neck.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 07:29 pm UTC (link)
The tryk snarled at the cuts, while they hurt, they were more annoying than anything. He was about to drive his spike through Dolemeck's wrist when he saw Tyler oming out of the corner of his eye.

"Shit!" The tryk let go of Dolemeck and in a move eerily similar to a Parkour technique, turned and leaped at the wall of the building and then ricocheting past Tyler's swing. When the tryk came down, he grabbed a larghe garbage container and flung it at the pair.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-25 07:38 pm UTC (link)
"Hold on." Dolemeck moved quick grabbed Tyler, holding on to him tight with his own blades as he shadow ported them out of the way of the flying dumpster. He then shadow ported Tyler and himself behind the Tryk, and dove back into the shadows, alone.

While the Tryk would no doubt turn around to go after Tyler, Dolemeck shadowported in the other direction and lunged both of his dirks into the creature, and then holding on for dear life to keep the blades inside of the creature.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-26 08:47 pm UTC (link)
Tyler cursed at missing the tryk, but didn't have time to dwell on it as Dolemeck got them out of the way f the flying dumpster. The tryk launched at him, a spike erupting out of each hand. Tyler managed to get his hands up in time to grab its wrists, but the tryk's strength was greater than his and he could feel his muscles straining to hold them. Fortunately Dolemeck appeared, driving his dirks into the tryk.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-26 09:10 pm UTC (link)
Worried that the Tryk could paralyze Tyler and kill him, Dolemeck acted swiftly. He rammed one of his dirks into the spine of the foul creature and just leaving it there. Now with a free hand, he forced the Tryk's head back, and with his other dirk, quickly decapitated him.

For a moment, Dolemeck remained unemotional, just standing in the alley with the Tryk's fallen body, and it's head in one hand. His eyes started to turn back to their bright green color as he looked back at Tyler.

"Are you okay? That creature did not hurt you, did it?"

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-27 03:31 pm UTC (link)
Tyler took a few settling breaths, before getting out a small container of gasoline and starting to pour it on the body.

"I'm okay, thank you." When done he carefully lights a match. "What about you?"

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-27 04:32 pm UTC (link)
"I am physically unharmed." He tossed the Tryk's head down on the ground, waiting for Tyler to set the fire to destroy it completely. He then pulled his dirk out of the creature's body and began to clean the blade off with a cloth from his coat pocket.

"So... it's "Mother" sent it here. Bloody wonderful." he frowned, looking over at Tyler. "This means there is a bloody Queen in the city, aye?"

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-27 04:43 pm UTC (link)
When Dolemeck places the head near the rest of the body. He then carefully throws the match onto the body, lighting it up.

"Either than or she soon could be," Tyler confirmed.

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-27 05:27 pm UTC (link)
"Lovely." He shook his head as the Tryk's body started to burn. "What are we going to do, now?"

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-27 05:48 pm UTC (link)
"Contact the others, tell them what happened and see how their own searches are going."

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Re: Team One: Tyler and Dolemeck
2013-10-27 07:17 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck gave a nod of his head as he took out his phone and sent a mass text to everyone to see how they were coming along with finding the Tryks that had started to plague the Vampire Community.

"I feel somewhat bad I could not save that vampire, Tyler. He may be an enemy to your and your friends, but he did not deserve to die in such a way."

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