Tearing down walls
It wasn't often he got to cause a bit of destruction outside of missions and the danger room, but he'd asked Uncle Scott if he could tear down the damaged smaller boathouse. Some kid's powers had done enough of a number on the place that it'd be more feasible to tear it down and rebuild a new one than try and fix this. To be honest, it hadn't been the best month for him. Last year of the degree, but this first month had been a bit of a mess, not to mention it'd taken up so much of his time that he barely had any free time. A pile of assignments, his laptop dying right before an important deadline, a few terrible professors, not winning that entry position in a great company that the program offered every year (especially when he knew he could have), and just in general a ton of stress. Individually he could've handled all those things, but it was when it all piled up and in a relatively short time frame.
So Vlad wasn't his usual cheery self as he stood there, hands in pockets and one foot on a very damaged boathouse wall. Just thinking about it all had the frustration build up, and a moment later his foot had left a sizable hole in the wall. Soon more and more of the place was coming down as he tore through it to vent his frustrations a bit.
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