Meme: Horror Noir
It was a dark and stormy night, a solid downpour expected the smell of the air, and the grimiest corners of the city were doing their best to live up to expectations. There'd been a string of murders that the police were baffled but tight lipped over, and one victim's family had been driven to hiring a PI to get any answers.
Valini Morse, aka the Shrink, stepped out of the taxi to walk over to both the scene and her partner, scanning the corded off area. "Huh. Reminds me of my last break-up. Clingy bastard." With a sigh, she stuck her hands in her coat's pockets and looked over Lena's shoulder. "Whatcha got so far?"
Must contain: Silly agency name, forensics, fighting evil, fashionable trenchcoats and flowy scarves, molotov cocktails, motorcycle chase and seedy bar
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