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Bentley Wittman the 23rd ([info]wiz_kid) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-08-20 16:38:00

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Entry tags:bentley 23, etoile lebeau

Opportunity Knocking (Open to X'ers)
Bypassing the main security (challenging enough to be fun), successful, so now Bentley is at the actual front door, instead of just the front gate. They kept the place classy-looking, he had to admit. Not that Reed hadn't always tried to preserve the historical architecture of the Baxter Building, but it didn't have that old money feel that the Xavier mansion did. Anyway, hopefully hacking, overriding, and just plain mission-impossibling (yes that's a verb) his way past the outer rings of security would give him some credibility.

And he'd totally pay for the landscaping repairs. Honestly, if automated systems couldn't get him in one shot, why waste the ammo or energy on bunches of them?

He knocked at the door.

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2013-09-05 06:35 pm UTC (link)
"Well... not all evil geniuses. I'm ahead of my time." Bentley smiles, cocking his head to one side.

"Which someone? Am I talking to her?"

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2013-09-08 08:14 pm UTC (link)
She wasn't sure what she would have done if he decided to go all evil on her. Etoile smiles back.


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2013-09-10 07:55 pm UTC (link)
He cracks a grin. "Awesome. Now, I don't want to pressure you into a purchase on the spot. How about a free sampler pack? Some trial-size items, just to help you get a feel for the product line."

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2013-09-13 03:44 pm UTC (link)
"Really a free sampler pack? What's the catch?" She said with narrowed suspicious eyes.

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2013-09-16 03:49 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, just the usual paperwork. Liability wavers, mostly. Absolving BentleyCo from blame in the event of personal loss of property, body components, or mental stability, along with stating we don't explicitly approve of any criminal behavior. Pretty standard, really."

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2013-09-17 12:09 pm UTC (link)
Listened carefully. Everything blew over her in a flash, she got lost at body components."Pretty standard huh? Um, I guess...can't really refuse free samples."

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