Etoile had a busy day rebuilding and repairing her bots. Ace did not need as much attention as the others did. Since he was an AI (thanks to her brother), he also developed a new emotions. Today would be envy. "Look Ace...I love you to pieces, but these guys came out of a rough mission. Therefore, they need my attention more than you do. Alright?" Etoile eyed Ace for a moment before moving down the hallway.
Both moved along arguing in French when she heard a knock at the door. Etoile's brow raises up, she glanced around to see if anyone else would get the door.
Sighing heavily...she adjusts the parts in her arms, making her way to the front door. She opens the door quickly to have none other then a stranger standing before her.
She stood there blinking, holding different mechanical parts...oil/grease from head-to-toe can be seen clearly. "Bonjour! How am I help you?" Etoile asked with a smile.
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