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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-08-15 15:08:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, angelo bennet, charlotte lehnsherr, giovanna bennet, plot - "spare the child", rikki cargill, sengai senyaka, simon davis, team - genoshans

Call to the Embassy
General Kendrick stared at the phone for a time, almost as if willing it to give him an answer that would solve everything, but in the end he knew there was no easy solution to this. In war sometimes you had to make sacrifices in order to achieve a more important objective. It didn't get more important than this. Finally with a sigh, he puts in the call to the Genoshan Embassy.

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2013-08-22 10:42 pm UTC (link)
"No listening, got it," Rikki said. She wasn't entirely happy about it, but she trusted Gio to take the guy's head off if he tried anything shady.

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2013-08-25 06:09 am UTC (link)
And Gio was indeed downstairs finding him.
"Sir," Gio said politely -- but still more out of discretion in not using his name than in the way she used the term with Genoshan officials.

She looks him over as she escorts him roundaboutly up.

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2013-08-25 07:22 pm UTC (link)
"Miss Bennett," he replied with equal politeness. Oh yes, he knew who she was. He'd done his research before contemplating this step. He quietly fllows her afterwards.

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2013-08-26 10:12 pm UTC (link)
As they walk, she continues to check over what she can; seems in order enough. She even dropped her extensive shields for just one moment to see if he appeared to be radiating any Faroukesque influence or something else that would be obvious even to her limited perspective. Nothing.
Her fingers will still flicker, however, ever-so-slightly as she brings him into the room they've swept, where he can meet Andrew.

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2013-08-27 12:02 am UTC (link)
Andrews is settled in on a couch in the main meeting room. Given the mistrust that exists between Genosha and some factions in the US, refreshments currently consist of sealed bottles of cold water.

"Please have a seat. If we can get you anything, let us know."

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2013-08-27 02:54 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you, but this is fine." As a symbol of trust the general didn't hesitate to open one of the bottles, taking a drink. "I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice."

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2013-08-31 10:28 pm UTC (link)
Gio is blunt and open, paradoxically to be polite. She even says it in English instead of any of the other four languages she and Andrew used far more often. "Whatever this might be about, Andrew, he either didn't bring anything with him, or he's very, very good at not reaching to check it or letting it affect his movements. He also doesn't show any particular signs of being possessed. Unfortunately, a few 'probably nots' don't give me any information about what this /is/ about. Care to enlighten us, General?"

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2013-09-01 02:20 am UTC (link)
The general nods once, almost amused but mostly impressed at Gio's professionalism.

"Of course, Miss Bennett." he sits the water down before reaching into his pocket for his phone. "If I may," he asks, showcasing he wasn't reaching for a weapon. He brought up an image on the phone and passed it over to Andrew and Gio. In the picture was a smiling woman in a hospital bed. In her arms was a small baby boy. However, the baby himself was a purple-skinned color with a covering of tiny scales. "My wife and our son, Alexander Harold Kendrick. I'm here for his future," the general said in a determined tone.

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2013-09-01 02:49 am UTC (link)
Gio watches him like a hawk as he reaches, but once she sees the picture, she can't help a genuine smile. Cute baby. Reminds her a little of a couple kids back home.

After the grin, she tries to stay professional. Obviously, Kendrick now has an interest in mutant affairs -- and is at least concerned for his son's future rather than pulling a William Striker and killing wife and baby. Ugh, why did she have to think about that? Because she's her, and the world is the world.

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2013-09-01 03:13 am UTC (link)
Andrew takes a look at the photo. It speaks volumes about Andrew being Andrew that it takes him a second look before he figures out why this picture is important, beyond an initial urge to offer congratulations.

When he gets it, its like there's another fifty pounds on his shoulders.

"I see. You understand what the reaction of the United States is likely to be?"

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2013-09-01 03:40 am UTC (link)
"That's exactly why I'm here, Mr. Summers." The general sighed once, clearly uncomfortable, but still pressing on. "Given how the government has treated mutants over the years..I don't trust them to uphold my son's rights."

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2013-09-01 03:53 am UTC (link)
Andrew nods. "And you're well aware that one of my primary attempts at an international initiative is a means of legal immigration to Genosha... which, despite some European support, America has actively resisted? You and your wife would lose your military pension and benefits. A dishonorable discharge is likely, and criminal charges would be difficult... but are a conceivable result? Additionally, this would further strain relations?"

He's carefully not saying no. But he's making sure every angle of possible objection and concern is addressed.

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2013-09-01 04:10 am UTC (link)
Gio definitely doesn't grin anymore, as they have to address all of this directly. It's a lose-lose situation. Obviously, in her opinion, immigration is the best possible solution for this family. But the issue isn't taht simple, hasn't been since they started on it years ago. It should be simple. But politics doesn't work that way.

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2013-09-01 03:14 pm UTC (link)
The general nods once. "I'm aware of all that, Mr. Summers. Believe me I do not want to hinder your work, it's very commendable, but my wife and I have have discussed it and we're not really sure what other viable options we have."

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2013-09-01 04:21 pm UTC (link)
Andrew nods, then looks to Gio.

"Get Rikki to coordinate a round the clock watch detail on the general's family. Discrete as he was, this type of news can travel fast."

He looks back to the General. "Normally in these circumstances, I would give you a list of options. Xavier's School for the Gifted would be an ideal place for a lot of kids to disappear a while, but not at your child's age, and not with your status. I disagree with the way Charles Xavier does things, but I won't endanger them or their privacy - and sheltering your child would not protect him from American law, and out them.

Much of my work here focuses on diplomacy, and trying to do things through the diplomatic process, yes. But I'm still family to Magneto. I've never wavered on my dedication to protection of those the process doesn't protect - or the ideals Genosha was founded on. We will protect you, your wife, and your child. The first step is getting them here. If you're willing to call the hospital and allow one of our people to check them out, we'll send a car. We'll send a teleporter with the car in case, but I'd rather not cause a scene. As soon as they enter the embassy, they'll be on Genoshan soil and under the protection of our law, and we'll start the process. Meanwhile, I suggest you start quietly converting as much of your resources as possible to a liquid state. The United States government will freeze your assets, sieze your house and car, anything they can do to try and force you back legally."

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2013-09-01 06:59 pm UTC (link)
Gio has opinions about the legality of government theft as extortion, but it they aren't very constructive, so she just nods and goes to coordiante.

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2013-09-01 09:21 pm UTC (link)
"I'm willing," Kendrick said in agreement. "Just let me contact my wife to let her know someone's coming. ..Thank you..I can never repay this."

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2013-09-01 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Andrew looks directly at the General as he speaks.

"Yes, you can. Once you're out of the country, take interviews. We can work out contact with French and northern European sources. Tell them why this was necessary. The only way we're going to start changing world policy is confronting it. I know once you get over there, you're going to want seclusion and to stay out of the spotlight. I'm going to ask you not to do that."

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2013-09-02 05:58 pm UTC (link)
A look of clear discomfort crosses Kendrick's face a moment, before he nods.

"I figured as much. You're right, I did want my family to have low-key lives. What about the other end of the spectrum? There's a reason I wanted my family to be secluded. Our son may be accepted, but I'm aware that certain trends exist in the Genoshan populace. Don't get me wrong, I understand why. Human, mutant, in the end we both share the same tendencies. However, what I'm asking is can you protect from extremists on the mutant side of things? If I end up dead, I accept that, but my wife and son are innocent."

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2013-09-02 10:51 pm UTC (link)
"I will promise you that I'll do everything I can. We'll arrange a security detail for your family, and make sure you only make public appearances with a watch. I'll talk to my grandfather about going on record saying something to the people of Genosha. If not to me, they'll listen to him. As for the low key lives... I'd prefer more people got to do that. You can stay quiet and off the record if you want... that's your perogative, and I'll understand if you take it. The world doesn't change when no one speaks up, though. America... and Genosha, both need to change."

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2013-09-03 12:49 am UTC (link)
After awhile Kendrick breaks out in a small smile.

"You sound like my old CO. He was idealistic too." He takes another drink of the water before replying. "I put on the uniform because I thought I could make a difference. Well.. it may not be how I intended it, but..you have yourself a deal, Mr. Summers."

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