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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-08-15 15:08:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, angelo bennet, charlotte lehnsherr, giovanna bennet, plot - "spare the child", rikki cargill, sengai senyaka, simon davis, team - genoshans

Call to the Embassy
General Kendrick stared at the phone for a time, almost as if willing it to give him an answer that would solve everything, but in the end he knew there was no easy solution to this. In war sometimes you had to make sacrifices in order to achieve a more important objective. It didn't get more important than this. Finally with a sigh, he puts in the call to the Genoshan Embassy.

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2013-08-17 10:29 pm UTC (link)
She may be in college, she may even have a responsible job...but she was still a teenage girl and they came pre-programed to answer ringing phones. It wasn't something she normally did, but she'd been looking for Andrew, so they could chat,

"Genoshan Embassy, how can I direct your call?" That sounded a little more formal than 'wassap', didn't it?

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2013-08-17 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Well..the voice was a little younger than he expected, but that wasn't important.

"Yes, I would like to speak with Andrew Summers."

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2013-08-18 03:34 am UTC (link)
"Absolutely. Um...is this an emergency?" Why else did people call an embassy? But she was up and moving down the hall way, poking her head in rooms looking for her nephew.

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2013-08-18 02:32 pm UTC (link)
"..It is a very important matter, Miss," Kendrick answered, doing his best to remain polite.

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2013-08-18 03:31 pm UTC (link)
"I understand...I'm looking for him." She put the phone against her shoulder to muffle it,


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2013-08-19 09:48 pm UTC (link)
Andrew's hearing is fine. Though he still makes a note to have their staff train Charlotte in forwarding calls if she's going to be on phones. Still, he makes his way down to the room.

"Who is it?"

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2013-08-19 09:51 pm UTC (link)
Gio had been, to the surprise of no one, in the workout room. But upon hearing any shouting about Andrew, she was now up nearby, listening.

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2013-08-20 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"Sorry...I don't know, but it sounds important..." She was more than happy to fork the phone over, but stayed close by to see what it was about.

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2013-08-20 09:32 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you." Andrew replies, with a hint of amusement. He takes the phone. "Hello? Who am I speaking with, please?"

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2013-08-20 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"Mr. Summers? This is General Elias Kendrick of the United States Armed Forces. I have..a delicate matter that I must discuss with you."

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2013-08-21 12:21 am UTC (link)
Gio makes little notes in her head about getting Simon, when he's not out on other errands, to properly explain the phone system and appointment-scheduling software for these occasions. Fortunately, she's made them before she catches the word general on the edge of hearing. Gio's not too keen on that. It raises a lot of concerns.

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2013-08-21 12:51 am UTC (link)
"General?" Andrew asks. "I'm not sure what you could want with us - the United States has been very particular about its dealings with Genosha... but I'm always willing to talk. Where and when?"

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2013-08-21 06:41 pm UTC (link)
"I understand, Mr. Summers, but this is not a government matter. It is a personal one," the general clarified. "I'll meet you wherever you want as soon as possible. I'll be alone, but you may bring who you wish as security."

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2013-08-21 07:17 pm UTC (link)
"I'll keep our group small. Given security concerns right now over Genosha, if you wish to bring anyone, I'll more than understand. If you'd like to meet at the Embassy here, we'd be happy to host yourself and any accompaniment where we can guarantee no outside listeners. Otherwise, I'm sure secure arrangements could be made."

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2013-08-21 08:57 pm UTC (link)
"Very well, I'll be there shortly, but I will be alone and in civilian garb. I do not want to draw too much attention to this visit."

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2013-08-21 09:12 pm UTC (link)
"Understood. I'll send Giovanna down to meet you." he describes her so they'll know precisely who to expect and talk to. "We'll otherwise get some space cleared out so we can talk privately. We'll see you soon."

He waits in case there's anything else. If not, he makes sure Gio is in on the plans, and starts arranging to have the embassy mostly clear of people.

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2013-08-21 09:39 pm UTC (link)
Kendrick notes all the details Andrew gives him. "I will be there shortly. Thank you," he says before hanging up.

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