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Frances Barton | Hawkeye ([info]hotshot_hawkeye) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-23 21:05:00

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Entry tags:american eagle, frances barton

Morning Workouts (open)
Frances fiddled with the pod and hummed when the song continued on the weight-room's speakers. Heading to the punching bag, she stretched her arms over her head and then pulled at her shoulders slowly to get at her back muscles.  Mm, after a strong round of coffee, this felt like a good morning for a sweat-out alright. By the time the first two songs finished, she was plenty warm to start the weights. She hopped to the ground and started the push-ups, one arm at a time.

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2013-08-25 07:39 pm UTC (link)
"Well, you know I was going to mention the spokesman contracts and celebrity parties," she play-shrugged before grinning back.

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2013-08-25 07:40 pm UTC (link)
"I'll leave those to you," he said while he added more weight now that he was warmed up. "I'm content to stay out of the limelight."

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2013-08-25 07:59 pm UTC (link)
She laughed and shook her head. "Sorry, sunshine, but you're an Avenger now. May not be Jersey Shore, but they do enjoy following the lives of the good guys."

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2013-08-25 08:40 pm UTC (link)
"Maybe I can just blend into the background or hide," Mike said. He was camera shy.

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2013-08-25 09:00 pm UTC (link)
"Not after we finished bedazzling your suit," she teased. "What about some neon piping too, pimp it out totally?" She bat her eyes innocently, lips pursed to keep the smile down.

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2013-08-25 09:16 pm UTC (link)
Mike just gave her a look. She had to be joking. At least he really hoped she was joking.

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2013-08-25 09:41 pm UTC (link)
She broke down under the dry scrutiny and started bursting into laughter. "I'm sorry, that expression- oh God, I swear- won't touch-"

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2013-08-25 09:55 pm UTC (link)
Mike blinked and then had a deep sigh of relief. Thank goodness she was joking. His cheeks got a little hot from the embarrassment of believing her for a few moments.

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2013-08-25 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I owe you a drink after, for that. Oh." She wiped her eyes clear and sighed to get the giggles back under control. "Man, there have been some eye-searing ensembles, but we won't make you wear anything like that."

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2013-08-25 10:04 pm UTC (link)
"You do owe me a drink for that," he said. "I had some horrible horrible images come into my mind."

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2013-08-25 10:13 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, hey. I skipped the fringe-tassels, didn't I?"

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2013-08-25 10:14 pm UTC (link)
"You owe me a few drinks," Mike said. "Better bring plenty of cash."

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2013-08-25 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"I promise, plenty of drinks. Until you float. Hawk's honor."

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2013-08-25 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Mike smiled. "This Eagle will gladly drink a lot of the Hawk's money up."

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2013-08-25 11:08 pm UTC (link)
She laughed and clapped her hands. "Alright! That's the spirit!" She did make a mental note for next April Fools, though.

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2013-08-25 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Mike chuckled and set the weights down. He moved over to a mat and started doing some situps.

"So what do you normally drink?" he asked.

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2013-08-25 11:53 pm UTC (link)
"Beer if there's pool or darts. And, well," she dawdled a bit before settling for the long row. "Sidecars if I'm aiming to look classy."

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2013-08-27 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Mike nodded. "Do you normally go to places where you can look classy?"

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2013-08-27 10:22 pm UTC (link)
"'Where I can look classy'? Oh you wound me!" She clutched her chest in mock pain, grinning. "I'll admit, this look is more functional than not, but it's not all flak vests and sweatpants, you know."

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2013-08-27 10:29 pm UTC (link)
Mike turned red. "Sorry. That's not..." Open mouth insert foot. Though he was curious to what she looked like all dressed up.

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2013-08-27 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"I know that's not what you meant, I shouldn't pull your leg so much. I'll be good now." She smiled at him, gentler than before.

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2013-08-27 10:51 pm UTC (link)
Mike's cheeks were still hot. "I appreciate it. I'm good at putting my foot in my mouth."

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2013-08-28 12:06 am UTC (link)
Telling him he looked cute when he blushed probably wouldn't help with the current round of it. "You're more straightforward when you talk is all. It's a good trait to have."

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2013-08-28 09:27 pm UTC (link)
"I never saw a reason to not say what I think."

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2013-08-29 12:26 am UTC (link)
She smiled and nodded. "That's not easy to do, so props to you. And you'll call me out when I go too far."

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(no subject) - [info]american_eagle, 2013-08-30 10:31 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-08-31 12:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]american_eagle, 2013-08-31 10:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-09-02 09:56 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]american_eagle, 2013-09-04 12:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-09-04 05:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]american_eagle, 2013-09-04 11:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-09-05 12:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]american_eagle, 2013-09-05 09:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-09-07 09:14 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]american_eagle, 2013-09-08 08:19 pm UTC

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