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onearmofhydra ([info]onearmofhydra) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-23 20:54:00

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Entry tags:aleks childress, aleron maximoff, awesome andrea, ben parker, ben storm, brad hill, buck rogers, jack murdock, jack power, joshua hoskins, kalypso, lena jessen, lexie summers, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, nikki coulson, npc - nick fury, npc - viper, phobetor, plot-"underworld war", rachel summers, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, team - shield, tim dugan, tsunami, vlad rasputin

The Viper's Bite
Things were going according to plan. Viper was quite please by the way things were progressing. Alliances had been made. Plans were laid and the attack against the RenTech factory had been a great decoy. The real attack had been on another RenTech factory where working Zero Point Energy Modules were being stored. Once she had her hands on an energy source powerful enough to power the weapon scientists had develop she could initiate the next part of her plan.

The weapon was almost powerful enough to blacken a large city, but Olivia had other plans. More important plans. The ZPEM was put into the weapon and the weapon was on a large cargo ship in the Atlantic a few miles off the coast of New York Habor. The weapon was powered up.

A blinding white light shot forth from the weapon and blazed a trail across the sky. The light slammed into the Helicarrier, SHIELD's flying fortress.

While the distraction of the impact of the ion pulse slammed into the Helicarrier, a small flying craft came in right behind the blinding white light. It landed on the deck while panic and chaos broke out on the flying fortress.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-06 02:36 pm UTC (link)
Sammy came to in a panicked time pause. With her adrenaline bouncing it was hard to exert the control it would take to keep them from cycling until she passed out.

Josh looming over her, frozen in the second, gave her heart a double jump. Several breaths later, it wasn't getting better. It should have. Doc Samson had warned it this might happen, that she might not be able to control her exit time and would just have to ride it out.

She pushed off the floor. It took her several attempts. Cracked ribs, yeah, she was familiar with them. With everything so unnaturally calm, she made her way to the door. She needed to be where she could tell someone Josh was down here. The rest of the level was clear. She'd done that much at least.

The pause ended when she'd made it to the next level and another explosion sent her back down the steep flight of stairs. Blacking out was the kindest thing that could have happened. She didn't feel the pain from a dislocated shoulder and cracked ribs.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-06 04:05 pm UTC (link)
Daniel surfaces for air. This just isn't moving fast enough.

He turns on his Fantastic Four com, going for an open channel and hoping to catch Avengers or X-Men.

"This is Daniel Grimm, sort of with the FF. Do we have any spare telepaths out there? I could use as many as we have - the more the better. If so, I think I can help get the carrier out before it starts sinking in the mud."

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-07 10:23 am UTC (link)
"We're kind of busy at the moment, but what do you need?" Kal asked.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-07 12:53 pm UTC (link)
"Trust me, I know. We're working on the same project." Daniel replies with a grunt. "But I'm not sure, right now, we have the raw strength, even together." And not being sure is always the problem. He just looks at the helicarrier and its... too big. Just way too big, even if he tries to Yoda it out of his mind.

"I'm not really a brick - I'm a psychic. Psychokinetic. I get stronger... a lot stronger... but I need help, and a whole lot of telepathic 'size matters not', if anyone knows any telepathic tricks. I'm willing to let folks into my head... cause right now, a lot of people are going to drown."

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-07 11:05 pm UTC (link)
Rachel wiped a little blood away from her nose. Even mainlining the energy of the universe, this was beginning to take its toll.

"Might be able to do something," she said.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-07 11:07 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai shows up in a speed boat to provide some transportation and a place to work from on the water.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-07 11:34 pm UTC (link)
Tim ran across the bridge and into the depths of the Helicarrier. Thankfully he knew the place by heart and could get around blindfolded. He ran to find Sammy. Nick, his grandfather and Val were on the bridge and helping agents get out, but none of them had seen Sammy.

Tim ran. He yelled at agents to head for the bridge when he passed them. He ordered agents to help the wounded and kept running.

His heart leaped into his throat when he found Sammy. He dropped to his knees and checked her pulse. There was one and relief flooded him. He did a quick check for any serious injuries and when he determined it was okay, he picked her up and carried her. He headed back toward the bridge.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-08 12:32 am UTC (link)
Daniel acknowledges Rachel's comment, and shuts down all of the mental shields he can. For the moment, he can't help but ponder the helicarrier. He knows, according to Reed's theories, this should be possible. But its hard to imagine. As it is, he's enough of a daddy's kid that he has trouble, even under ideal circumstances, pushing his dad's limits... but... well, Reed, Val and Andrea are all a lot smarter than he is, and insist, with the right push, there shouldn't be many limits, if any.

He's just hoping Rachel, Kal and whoever else they can get can provide that push, because he sure can't do this alone.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-11 09:46 pm UTC (link)
Following yelled direction from Nick, Iron Man Misha headed into the bowels of the carrier to make sure it was clear and no agent left behind. It wouldn't matter to him if it sank, not with the suit sealed around him.

He didn't expect to find many. SHIELD agents had to be well trained on evacuation procedures. If they weren't, it was a good thing Mom hadn't let him sign on before he went to college.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-12 09:59 pm UTC (link)
Tim carried Sammy through the Helicarrier. He yelled at people to move and get the hell out of there as he ran.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-13 05:01 pm UTC (link)
"Wait. Wait. Wait." Sammy's foggy brain was coming back online thanks to the pain from carried out in a hurry. She tried to force her eyes open and take charge of her situation, and failed. Her hand grabbed onto the shirt of her rescuer. "Wait. Carrier. Have to clear."

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-13 10:00 pm UTC (link)
"It's being cleared," he assured her. "People are getting out. We've been given a little time."

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-13 10:32 pm UTC (link)
Kal split her focus two ways. She kept part of her attention on keeping the 'Carrier up and the other part went toward Daniel.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-13 11:32 pm UTC (link)
"Well... here goes nothing..."

Rachel opened herself up to her own power, and focused on sending what she could Daniel's way.

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Re: Splashdown
2013-08-13 11:43 pm UTC (link)
At first there's nothing. The helicarrier makes any individual look insignificant. But Rachel and Kal are both A-level psykers, and with shields down and what help he can give, they find the right things to shut down. Mostly, any hint of disbelief, while bolstering his willpower.

There's a lurch and a groan. Something akin to tactile telekinesis envelops the ship, preventing it from simply tearing apart in his hands, and inching at first - then faster, Daniel begins taking slow steps - and the helicarrier follows.

The lower levels took on a lot of water - he hopes it was fast enough to prevent anyone who survived the crash from drowning. The damaged ship drains off as he pulls it onto try land, its weight cutting a deep furrow into the earth.

A few more steps, and the helicarrier levels out - and Daniel collapses. Everything hurts. Muscles he didn't know he had hurt.

But they did it.

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