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onearmofhydra ([info]onearmofhydra) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-23 20:54:00

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Entry tags:aleks childress, aleron maximoff, awesome andrea, ben parker, ben storm, brad hill, buck rogers, jack murdock, jack power, joshua hoskins, kalypso, lena jessen, lexie summers, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, nikki coulson, npc - nick fury, npc - viper, phobetor, plot-"underworld war", rachel summers, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, team - shield, tim dugan, tsunami, vlad rasputin

The Viper's Bite
Things were going according to plan. Viper was quite please by the way things were progressing. Alliances had been made. Plans were laid and the attack against the RenTech factory had been a great decoy. The real attack had been on another RenTech factory where working Zero Point Energy Modules were being stored. Once she had her hands on an energy source powerful enough to power the weapon scientists had develop she could initiate the next part of her plan.

The weapon was almost powerful enough to blacken a large city, but Olivia had other plans. More important plans. The ZPEM was put into the weapon and the weapon was on a large cargo ship in the Atlantic a few miles off the coast of New York Habor. The weapon was powered up.

A blinding white light shot forth from the weapon and blazed a trail across the sky. The light slammed into the Helicarrier, SHIELD's flying fortress.

While the distraction of the impact of the ion pulse slammed into the Helicarrier, a small flying craft came in right behind the blinding white light. It landed on the deck while panic and chaos broke out on the flying fortress.

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2013-08-02 05:40 am UTC (link)
She's not even quite sure where they are, it's all quite disorienting. To make things worse, she's got no map, and doubts there's signal here. "I-I think we can stop soon!" She tries shouting it into his ear above all the wind.

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2013-08-02 05:44 am UTC (link)
He growls again in response, but momentum is slowing. By the time they actually do stop, its been... quite some time. There's no hints of city or even town noise, and they've gained elevation.

Finding what seems to be a secluded spot, he sets her down.

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2013-08-02 05:54 am UTC (link)
Well she's getting more used to the ride at least. Seeing that he's not stopping quite yet, she just rests her chin in her hand and decides to focus on the view until this comes to a full stop.

Which it does. Sooner than she'd though. "Aleks? Say something to me. We're far away from all the chaos so just...stay calm and try talking."

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2013-08-02 06:08 am UTC (link)
He turns to her, eyes narrowing as if just remembering she was there and being noisy again. He tenses, as if about to jump off and leave her, then decides better of it. Instead, he settles back against a rock, sitting down heavily.

"Out." he finally answers.

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2013-08-02 06:16 am UTC (link)
Being left in the middle of nowhere after all that would just be the fitting end to this whole ordeal. Bad things happened when she leaves the lab, this counts.

But she's really happy he didn't bounce off. "Yes, good. We are indeed out."

".....way out."

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2013-08-02 06:22 am UTC (link)
No sign of recognition of what she's saying, or even that he's paying any attention. Just a look out over the surrounding terrain, and the occasional shift of his glance her direction.

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2013-08-02 06:32 am UTC (link)
That was fine, gave her a bit of time to get her head together.

Helicarrier down. That was...something she never thought would happen. Yet here she was, it was destroyed and she was sitting in the middle of nowhere with a hulked up Aleks.

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