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onearmofhydra ([info]onearmofhydra) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-23 20:54:00

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Entry tags:aleks childress, aleron maximoff, awesome andrea, ben parker, ben storm, brad hill, buck rogers, jack murdock, jack power, joshua hoskins, kalypso, lena jessen, lexie summers, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, nikki coulson, npc - nick fury, npc - viper, phobetor, plot-"underworld war", rachel summers, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, team - shield, tim dugan, tsunami, vlad rasputin

The Viper's Bite
Things were going according to plan. Viper was quite please by the way things were progressing. Alliances had been made. Plans were laid and the attack against the RenTech factory had been a great decoy. The real attack had been on another RenTech factory where working Zero Point Energy Modules were being stored. Once she had her hands on an energy source powerful enough to power the weapon scientists had develop she could initiate the next part of her plan.

The weapon was almost powerful enough to blacken a large city, but Olivia had other plans. More important plans. The ZPEM was put into the weapon and the weapon was on a large cargo ship in the Atlantic a few miles off the coast of New York Habor. The weapon was powered up.

A blinding white light shot forth from the weapon and blazed a trail across the sky. The light slammed into the Helicarrier, SHIELD's flying fortress.

While the distraction of the impact of the ion pulse slammed into the Helicarrier, a small flying craft came in right behind the blinding white light. It landed on the deck while panic and chaos broke out on the flying fortress.

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2013-08-02 03:25 am UTC (link)
While it may not be truly obvious to the uninitiated, this isn't /the/ Hulk. The hair is too long, he's probably not quite as big, and the shreds of clothing look a lot like a SHIELD uniform. Really, inside a falling metal box, though, the difference is academic.

Aleks roars, seeing movement, hearing chaos. He tears through walls, and a couple more doorways, heading for the things moving about.

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2013-08-02 03:31 am UTC (link)
Yeah, she knows her metas well. And there's zero doubt this is Aleks. The smart move here would be to stay still, wait until he leaves, and then make a break for the nearest parachute and exit if she can. But...goddamnit, this is Aleks, she's not leaving him like this or letting their enemies use him as a rampaging monster to cause more destruction and death than need be. Yeah SHIELD wasn't perfect, but she liked it, she liked working here and she liked the people. And she liked Aleks. So this may be the stupidest thing she's ever done in her life but...it's not going to last much longer anyway. Might as well make it count.

Lena goes running, as best she can in a falling aircraft, after him. "Aleks! Stop!" Something to grab his attention, something to grab his attention and...tiny flashlight on her keys will do. She fumbles it a bit but gets it on and flashes it on the wall to his side, moving the light about, hoping to get him to turn.

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2013-08-02 03:35 am UTC (link)
He turns alright. Turns, swinging wild. His arm tears through the reinforced metal walls like so much tissue paper. Thankfully, he was reacting to the flash of light, not her, so he misses - by inches.

A big hand comes up, about to correct that mistake. Then the thing blinks... then again, looking down at her, arm upraised, as if unsure.

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2013-08-02 03:51 am UTC (link)
Despite being kidnapped once and working for SHIELD, Lena hasn't faced near death much...at all. And here she is staring right at it.

Ducking only saves her so much and she can feel the air whoosh by, that fist far too close for comfort. It'd been a reckless move but...it worked.

Lena holds both hands up in an 'I'm unarmed' way, and takes a deep breath to try and calm herself and push aside the fact that this far from labs she knows, she has absolutely nothing to shut him down. And even if she did, there was no guarantee it'd work with the ship going down.

"Aleks...stop. Listen to me okay?" She takes a step back as she talks but maintains eye contact. "The helicarrier is going down, we need to get out. Now we both know how this goes, the radiation, it's effect on your nervous system, change in neurotransmitters, the whole deal." She stops again, another deep breath, stay calm, run through the science in your head to keep it that way. "But you and I know that the mental part, you still have some control over that. It just needs focus. So focus okay? Block it all out and focus on my voice. It's just like the those all those lab appointments. You and me, and none of this around us. Think of that and breath."

Calm and collected as she was managing to sound, she was no therapist, and there was a very good chance she'd still die from the crash. But if she could stop Aleks for just a bit...it'd save a lot of destruction and lives. And there was no doubt in her mind he was capable of surviving the crash. She just needed to try and get him to regain some control.

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2013-08-02 04:02 am UTC (link)
There's no question he doesn't get a lot of that - but at least one concept seems to stick.

"Out?" he growls.

He snarls, kicking out, smashing through the nearest wall, that section tearing through more, leaving a swath of destruction, but also a clear path to the hull.

"Get out!" he follows up with, one newly enlarged hand reaching out to pick up Lena, like Kong going for Fae Wray, trying to grab her, and shield her with his body as he goes through the gap - heading for the outer hull without slowing down.

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2013-08-02 04:09 am UTC (link)
At that first word she nearly sighs in relief, something is getting through and at least she's not a smear on the floor. But before that can calm her down, she jumps nearly a foot off the ground in surprise as he suddenly smashes the wall.

And once again it feels like square one the moment he reaches out to pick her up and she's seriously worried about being crushed. But...he doesn't crush her, just picks her up and runs. That...wasn't expected exactly. But not going to question it.

"Yes, out. Need to get out. So...run!" If she was going to die this was certainly quite the way to go.

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2013-08-02 04:24 am UTC (link)
A swing of his off hand, and another wall disintegrates before him. He lowers his shoulder as he nears the hull, drawing her in close to him with the other arm to protect her. There's a tremendous sound of metal tearing and heavy armor plates designed to hold up to heavy anti-air weapons giving way - and then Aleks launches out into the sky in a monstrous leap, clearing a good half mile from the helicarrier between the final leap, and a lot of altitude.

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2013-08-02 04:51 am UTC (link)
"Aleks, be carefu--!" Oh okay they were...yeah this was...oh god.

Lena clings to Aleks as best she can and hopes that they survive the landing but figures it won't be much worse than being in the Helicarrier when it crashes. She did not sign up to SHIELD for this sort of thing. Nope. She might stay in the lab most of the time, but she was still fine with thrill-seeking in a way. It was just a matter of getting her to leave the lab. Now this though...whole other level. Please let her survive the experience.

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2013-08-02 05:00 am UTC (link)
Its amazing how effective of a shock absorber those enhanced legs are. He lands, ending up crouched low, but readily taking up the impact. The ground is cracked, and his passenger can certainly feel it - but not even a broken bone or whiplash, let alone risk of death.

The next leap carries him another quarter mile, heading further from civilization and out into the wilds, as far from all of the noise and chaos as he can get, moving in literal leaps and bounds.

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2013-08-02 05:17 am UTC (link)
Probably the roughest landing ever, and just as she recovers from that frist teeth-rattling one, they make their second landing.

No, she's really really not for this experience, but it beats dead.

"Ale-" Shoot, another landing. "-ks?! We should stop soon!"

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2013-08-02 05:26 am UTC (link)
Right now, either he can't hear her over the rushing of the wind, or he's not listening. Another gravity defying leap, further from any sign of civilization. If she had to guess, they're probably covering a good 100 miles per hour, all in long arcs. He has the idea of out and away firmly in mind, and isn't stopping until all hint of chaos and danger is a far, far distant thing, and they have peace and quiet.

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2013-08-02 05:40 am UTC (link)
She's not even quite sure where they are, it's all quite disorienting. To make things worse, she's got no map, and doubts there's signal here. "I-I think we can stop soon!" She tries shouting it into his ear above all the wind.

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2013-08-02 05:44 am UTC (link)
He growls again in response, but momentum is slowing. By the time they actually do stop, its been... quite some time. There's no hints of city or even town noise, and they've gained elevation.

Finding what seems to be a secluded spot, he sets her down.

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2013-08-02 05:54 am UTC (link)
Well she's getting more used to the ride at least. Seeing that he's not stopping quite yet, she just rests her chin in her hand and decides to focus on the view until this comes to a full stop.

Which it does. Sooner than she'd though. "Aleks? Say something to me. We're far away from all the chaos so just...stay calm and try talking."

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2013-08-02 06:08 am UTC (link)
He turns to her, eyes narrowing as if just remembering she was there and being noisy again. He tenses, as if about to jump off and leave her, then decides better of it. Instead, he settles back against a rock, sitting down heavily.

"Out." he finally answers.

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2013-08-02 06:16 am UTC (link)
Being left in the middle of nowhere after all that would just be the fitting end to this whole ordeal. Bad things happened when she leaves the lab, this counts.

But she's really happy he didn't bounce off. "Yes, good. We are indeed out."

".....way out."

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2013-08-02 06:22 am UTC (link)
No sign of recognition of what she's saying, or even that he's paying any attention. Just a look out over the surrounding terrain, and the occasional shift of his glance her direction.

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2013-08-02 06:32 am UTC (link)
That was fine, gave her a bit of time to get her head together.

Helicarrier down. That was...something she never thought would happen. Yet here she was, it was destroyed and she was sitting in the middle of nowhere with a hulked up Aleks.

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