"Bollocks..." Dolemeck removed his hand from his bloody wound, just raising both of his hands in surrender. It hit him that if he explained himself to strangers, to someone who was not like Nikki or a friend of "Atlas", he was screwed. Breathing a bit hard, he looked up at Bram, Tyler, and Greg. The best he could do is try and explain everything as quickly as possible, despite the pain he was in.
"I was cursed over a thousand years ago and turned into a demon, then promptly sentenced to a lifetime in Limbo. I managed to escape fourteen years ago. When I was found, my body and soul were restored, but not my memories... those came back on their own not too long ago. Despite the restoration, I somehow maintained my demonic powers and abilities... but not the weaknesses most demons have. I can go into a church, be hit with holy water, I cannot corrupt others... and so on." he shook his head, hissing as his back and side were starting to really hurt him. But Dolemeck continued to push himself into explaining everything. "Those demons were on the train with me as I was traveling to my adopted parents house in California. They wanted to take me back to limbo, as I am not suffering as they are. I know this is all hard to believe... but it is true! If you do not believe me, then I surrender. I cannot fight anymore in the shape I am in."
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