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ngserpentsoc ([info]ngserpentsoc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-09 21:16:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, armadillo jr., guardian, martin baum, plot-"underworld war", team - thunderbolts

The Serpent Strikes
Vadoma gave the members of the Serpent Society instructions on what they were to do. They were being paid quite handsomely to do a small job. The job was to destroy a factory in the Boston area.

It was a simple plan. Get in and do as much damage as possible. Then get out before being captured.

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2013-07-20 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Big Boa turned and tried to punch the guy's face.

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2013-07-20 08:27 pm UTC (link)
Manny's forced to stop trying to lock the guy's arm in order to catch the arm between his hands. Unfortunately it also left his stomach open.

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2013-07-20 08:51 pm UTC (link)
Big Boa took a shot at Manny's stomach.

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2013-07-20 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Boa's blow hits with an audible "whump", driving the air out of Manny's lungs. Manny felt queasy for a moment, but he pressed on. He drove his head forward in a headbutt, hoping his armored skull would double the impact on his attacker.

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2013-07-20 10:08 pm UTC (link)
The headbutt hit and Big Boa staggered backwards. He shook his head trying to clear his mind.

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2013-07-20 10:11 pm UTC (link)
Okay, that may not have helped his vision any, but it worked. Manny rushed to take advantage, launching an uppercut at the dazed Boa.

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2013-07-20 10:16 pm UTC (link)
The uppercut hit. Big Boa went flying through the air and crashed into the wall and then went through the wall.

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2013-07-20 10:19 pm UTC (link)
"And stay down!" Oi, head was still ringing a bit. Manny held his head up with one hand for a bit before making sure Boa was down for the count.

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2013-07-20 10:42 pm UTC (link)
Big Boa was trying to get to his feet.

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2013-07-20 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Manny shook his head before going over to the man.

"Are you willing to give up yet?"

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2013-07-20 10:47 pm UTC (link)
Big Boa growled and continued to try to get up.

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2013-07-20 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Damn it. Manny grabbed what looked like a downed piece of ceiling and went back over and brought it down in an attempt to knock the mercenary out.

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2013-07-20 10:58 pm UTC (link)
Big Boa's eyes rolled back and he went unconscious.

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2013-07-20 11:07 pm UTC (link)
"Sorry, man. You just have to know when to stay down."

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