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ngserpentsoc ([info]ngserpentsoc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-09 21:16:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, armadillo jr., guardian, martin baum, plot-"underworld war", team - thunderbolts

The Serpent Strikes
Vadoma gave the members of the Serpent Society instructions on what they were to do. They were being paid quite handsomely to do a small job. The job was to destroy a factory in the Boston area.

It was a simple plan. Get in and do as much damage as possible. Then get out before being captured.

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2013-07-19 01:16 pm UTC (link)
His eyes narrowed at the comment. He parries with his makeshift spear before lunging forward in an attempt to impale Kelly.

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2013-07-19 01:31 pm UTC (link)
She leaps when he lunges, flipping over him, turning about, trying to stab him in the back as she lands on the other side.

"No technique, no finesse. Right to the violent thrusting. Your dating life can't have been that great before... so maybe the snake head didn't hurt anything."

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2013-07-19 03:05 pm UTC (link)
He moves when he realizes she jumped over him, but he still caught her knife in the shoulder. Instead of moving away, he took advantage of her sudden closeness for a double attack, a lunge of his teeth at her arm and bringing thesharp end of the pipe at her leg.

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2013-07-19 03:32 pm UTC (link)
The pipe leaves a deep gash in her thigh. She's less worried about that than the teeth - focusing on getting her arm out of the way, and jabbing her knife at the jaw hinge when the mouth opens wide.

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2013-07-19 06:23 pm UTC (link)
Cottonmouth's sense of satisfaction is abruptly cut short when the knife goes into his mechanical jaw. He shrieks in pain as he tries to remove it. Trying to keep her back, he swings the pipe in an upward diagonal arc at Kelly's face.

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2013-07-19 07:22 pm UTC (link)
Kelly ducks back enough to keep it from cutting anything critical, but the long cut mars her face and goes through one eye - gruesome looking, certainly.

"Agh! My face! My face!"

She grins, lunging towards the other side of the mechanical jaw with her other knife.

"I'd better go have someone cut off my head and put, I don't know, a rabid muskrat's head in its place. Then, man, I'd owe them big time."

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2013-07-19 08:31 pm UTC (link)
"I'll bite it off and save you some time," Cottonmouth snarled. It's a bit of a bluff, his jaw was still smarting from the dagger. He goes to grab her wrist while sending a leg to increase the pain in her leg.

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2013-07-19 08:53 pm UTC (link)
As he goes for the grab, with a hand now free, she tries to turn it into a judo throw to launch him into the pillar he was chewing on.

"Kinky. Bet you say that to all the girls. Right before they laugh at you and you sneak home to your garter snake porn."

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2013-07-19 11:38 pm UTC (link)
Kelly's throw catches him completely off-guard, sending him reeling into the pillar with an audible smack. Cottonmouth's jaw may be superhuman, but the rest of him wasn't. He found himself groaning and trying to sand up despite his back crying out in protest.

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2013-07-19 11:59 pm UTC (link)
Kelly sees him struggling to get up, drawing her guns, now that the sport seems ended.

"I /should/ kill you. But I'm not going to. Because if I just blast up a couple parts of you, maybe Roxxon will play some more zoological darts in putting you back together, and next time we fight, you'll have frog's legs or cow tits or something, just cause. And I both want to see what they do, and if you're thanking them then." she says, as she opens fire with multiple bursts, doing her best to make sure she puts him down, without causing any lethal harm.

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2013-07-20 12:30 am UTC (link)
Cottonmouth manages to flip Kelly off once before the barrage of bullets tear into the mercenary's non-vital areas, dropping him to the floor.

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2013-07-20 12:35 am UTC (link)
"I knew I liked you." Kelly responds on seeing the gesture. When she confirms he's staying down, she goes off, guns in hand, skipping like she's moving down the yellow brick road - to find someone else who needs bulletholes.

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