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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He can't say what he exactly expected, maybe a leaping attack of some sort, who knew. But running away...most certainly not. And just when he was finishing up the time spell that'd have him be able to handle her close range style better! Well that was no fun.

Seeing as he's in the middle of a spell, Martin can't exactly teleport off after her. He lets the discs go after her as he wraps up, and go after her they do. Though the farther they get from their master, especially now that he has no visual on them, the sloppier they get. The rush her and ram into parts of the stairwell then the hole in the ceiling, shattering soon after impact.

Well this was no good. Martin sighs and does another head scan, this time to lock onto her. Everyone else is still a peripheral blip on his radar, but he's focused on her, and teleports in without warning, but too late to get his chance to hit her mid-air where she can't dodge.

Oh well, he'll have to make another opportunity like that then. He conjures up some new disc once he has her in his sights, and sends them after her along with some mystic bolts. If she wanted destruction, she's getting it. Though he's aiming at things she lands on, or looks like she'll land on. It's an attempt to get her airborne again and rather defenseless.

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