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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He tries moving his discs to smash into her or at least nick her, but she's fast, much more agile than he expected even, and not one manages to hit her. Well that was interesting.

He was just in a moment of consideration about which spell to do now, when she's right in front of him and reaching for his wrist. It's times like this that make it obvious just why he always went places sitting on his disc. Conjuring a disc was the teleportation prep, sitting on one meant it took only the slightest thought to flash away. But in that moment, right before her fingers look like they're going to catch his wrist, the confidence of youth that believes themselves invincible disappears, and there's sheer panic in his eyes.

All at once he's gone in a rush of blue flame, but the panic had stray magic spurt from his gloves. Whether it hit her or did anything he couldn't tell from here. But soon it's apparent that his panic isn't from what one would expect in that situation, as his brow furrows and he shoots her a telepathic message.

You shouldn't touch my gloves. In most cases this sort of warning from most people would be a thinly veiled threat. But from Martin there seemed to be something more to it, as if he was more concerned at what might happen to the other person than to him if she did.

Martin works to catch his breath as his disc floats up, higher and making it harder for her to reach, as the other discs reorganize and prepare to try and attack her again. First thing was first, he was fighting a brawler and needed to take precautions. She moved too quickly to time freeze her, but he was going to have to do something else to combat her attacks. Instead of creating an area where time stopped within a metre or so of him, Martin does the longer lasting version that he's been working on these past few months, and even showed off to Adrienne.

He starts on the words, slowly creating an invisible bubble of sorts around him where, should anything enter it, would slow down to the point where time crawled for it. He may not be the best dodger, but when the fist coming at you the next time was moving at centimetres per second...well even the inexperienced could handle that.

Of course once the spell was up it'd only last the next couple minutes before needing to be renewed. And while he was doing the spell he couldn't exactly precisely control the attacking discs. So when they come swooping at her, it's noticeable enough that the movements are sloppier and wilder, more to get in her way than manage to hit her this time.

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