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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
With another sort of person that would've been quite good, likely have even worked. But with Martin there was the fact that he just plain did not fear the way others did. He feared himself and what he could do but everything else? It was an adventure. Injury, death, danger, he didn't consider these things in relation to himself, or as things to be cautious about. So instead of causing him to pause, her speech has a boyish smile slowly spread on his face.

"Oh. Well if you've fought mystics before...then I do want to fight you.

And if my team can deal with yours, power-wise, then...it doesn't matter too much if I spend the time fighting you."

He stands up on his disc, which floats a bit higher and away from her, puts his hat back on, then takes it off to her with a sweeping low bow. "I'm glad I got the best fighter and strategist, Miss."

He straightens back up and with a snap of his fingers conjures up a handful of floating discs to surround her. The one under her foot is gone now, he wants this to be interesting after all.

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