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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-07-02 23:34:00

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Entry tags:kayura yagyu, sunset, team - big hero 6

King's Bishop to Queen's Rook.
Kayura had a long night talking with a ghost she had been trying to help. He wasn't actually that bitter about his death. He was just tired of waiting for something to happen to change his situation. They had figured out what might help him.

He had become fond of chess after learning it from a British business rival when he was a young man. So much so that he became a master at the game. He enjoyed the skill it took to play. While he was not famous in tournaments he still felt like he was a master of the game.

What he decided he really wanted was one last really good game. Only problem was that Kayura only knew how to play Go.

Maybe Amiko-san knew someone who played chess. She rubs her face a bit getting rid of the urge to sleep for now then knocks on Amiko's door.

"Amik-san? Are you busy?"

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2013-07-03 03:10 am UTC (link)
"He was very polite about it at least. He would just startle people when asking about the scores. He couldn't look at them himself."

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2013-07-07 12:15 am UTC (link)
"Well...that... makes sense."

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