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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-06-14 21:35:00

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Current location:New Orleans, LA
Current mood: nervous

Little Black Book Adventures (Possibly NSFW)
After their adventures in Amsterdam, Dolemeck returned home to discover his cousin Derek was leaving New York. He was going to go back to San Fransisco in order to train with his Father and learn to become a proper leader of the Agents of Atlas. While he was invited to go back with Derek, Dolemeck politely refused. He liked New York too much, and was worried about his parents smothering him once more.

Though this decision came with a bit of heart ache. The condo he lived in with Derek now felt too big and too empty. He felt even more lonely than before and just well... lost. He had made contact with his VERY distant cousin, Argo, whom invited him for more merriment and fun in New Orleans for a few days. Dolemeck traveled to new Orleans, getting a posh hotel in the famous Garden District of the city, as he was frightened to go to the Champions HQ. Supposedly they had a demon hunter in their rankings, and he did not wish to be dragged back into limbo... or make anyone uncomfortable.

For now, he waited for Argo to arrive at his hotel room. All while wondering if this was a good idea.

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