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nextgen_shield ([info]nextgen_shield) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-06-06 22:12:00

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Entry tags:etoile lebeau, fred mccoy, misha loganovich, plot - "manhunt", rachel summers, shane ostrum, sylvia mccoy, team - x-men, tsunami, vlad rasputin

The X-Men had informed Shield of the resurgence of the U-Men and since then Donnelly had feelers out to see how extensive the organization was. While on one of these searches some unexpected information fell into their laps. He quickly put in a call to the X-Men.

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2013-06-27 11:10 am UTC (link)
Etoile continued to work on the creatures and soldiers with her robots. She herself even had to battle off few that got passed her boys.

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2013-06-27 04:31 pm UTC (link)
With the creatures confused and angry, Rachel's sudden telepathic command catches by surprise, causing them to drop suddenly in a deep sleep.

The soldiers were being mowed down by Vlad and the few that had the sense to get out of his way were dropped by Cait, Etoile, and Shane.

Misha on the other hand was about to realize how dangerous Hayes could be in a one-on-one situation. While the electricity coursed through Hayes' body, he seemed almost insulated from it as parts of his exposed skin glowed a pale yellow. The tentacles continued to constrict, then Hayed hand shot out to grasp Misha's mask, starting to cave in the metal in his grip.

"What's your interest in this? What does a Iron Man have to do with the X-Men?" Hayes asked curiously. Misha will also seem to notice that Hayes is getting heavier.

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2013-06-27 06:06 pm UTC (link)
The onboard computer flashed warning signs in face. He felt the metal shell groan around him.

Without hesitation, he changed direction for the ground and a controlled crash.

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2013-06-27 06:14 pm UTC (link)
"NO!" Cait yelled and reached out with her powers to the water inside of Hayes' body. She slowly lowered the temperature of the water and slowed the circulation down. Carefully though. She didn't want to kill him.

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2013-06-27 06:18 pm UTC (link)
Etoile gave off a gasp when Misha went down...Quickly she rushed over to his side along with her robots. She looked over to Hayes and noticed Cait did something to him.

Etoile remained next to Misha while she sent out all three of her robots to aid Cait in the attack against Hayes.

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2013-06-27 10:35 pm UTC (link)
"Misha!" Rachel screamed. She tried to reach out with a TK grip, slow him down... too late to prevent the crash.

She poured on all due speed to fly to the crash site.

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2013-06-27 10:57 pm UTC (link)
"Shit," Shane says seeing what happened to Misha. He sends a concentrated beam of electricity straight at Hayes.

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2013-06-27 11:13 pm UTC (link)
When the soldiers were done, Vlad made sure they were all out, and kicked their guns away. No sense risking one getting up and shooting someone in the back.

As that was happening all the commotion started with Misha eventually crashing. Misha had a healing factor that was up to snuff, so it wasn't the crash that was concerning as much as getting him away before something worse happened. Vlad swore under his breath and ran over as fast as he could. Better to give Hayes a new target.

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2013-06-27 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Hayes walked somewhat raggedly from the crash, his coat destroyed, shirt and pants in tatters, exposing the sheer criss-cross of surgically sewn parts that made up the man.

He seemed to be struggling against something, Cait's internal efforts, as a strange tube-like organ on the right side of his chest seemed to create a flow of liquid into his body. Cait's efforts still visibly had an effect judging by his slowed pace. Shane's electricity seemed to have a similar effect to what Misha's had. The force caused Hayes to halt a step, but that was all.

"I gave everything for humanity! All of humanity!" Once more his tentacles shot out, this time to strike at Etoile's robots. "This ridiculous fixation in thinking an aberrant mutation in humanity makes mutants a new species.." The right eye started to glow. "Humans! Mutants! You took it all from me! Neither of you will have this world!" Then the eye looked like a miniature sun. "The third species, my children, will inherit this planet! And.You.Will.All.Burn!!" And the blast tore loose from the eye, the ground below the blast even rupturing from the force as it came like an unstoppable tide toward the X-Men.

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2013-06-27 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Cait pulled in as much water as she could and formed a sphere around her and whomever was closest. She tried to make the water as thick as possible to keep people safe.

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2013-06-27 11:32 pm UTC (link)
Oh fuck. Vlad dashed to get to people in time. If he could throw someone out of the way of the thing, he would. Otherwise he'd jump on top to shield and cover them from the blast.

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2013-06-27 11:35 pm UTC (link)
Rachel quickly threw up a TK shield around herself and whoever she could reach, which slowly formed itself into interlocked wings as she poured more Phoenix power into it.

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2013-06-27 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Well Crap. Shane pushed himself with electricity to the side at great speed through a window into a nearby building trying get out of the way of the blast.

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2013-06-28 04:48 am UTC (link)
Dazed from the crash and disoriented by the error signals flashing at him from inside the helm, Misha became a projectile in the earth-rupturing force of Hayes' revenge blast.

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2013-06-28 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Etoile took a hold of Misha in hopes she could take a hold of him before the massive blast. Sadly, like Misha she got sent flying along with him and so did her robots. During this moment all she could think about is...I'm going to die or this is going to be extremely painful.

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2013-06-28 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Hayes' attack collided against Vlad, while Rachel and Cait's shields took the brunt of the blast. Hayes gritted his teeth to maintain the beam, but it was clear he was under strain.

"The Gene War has to end! I'll do whatever it takes to do it!"

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2013-06-29 12:08 am UTC (link)
Cait exerted more control over Hayes' blood flow and the temperature of the water in his body. She lowered it quickly and halted the flow of blood in his body.

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2013-07-02 06:42 am UTC (link)
The blast was enough to throw him back some, even as his hands dug into the ground to try and hold his ground. But the attack was weakening, and he could already feel his strength increasing to pretty near full power. The blast had torn his clothes, and more importantly, skin, to shreds so that he was all metal as far as anyone could see.

With the blast still colliding with him, he struggled to his feet, pushing back against the attack and step by step walking towards Hayes. With Hayes' attack weaker and he stronger now, it only slowed down his march towards the man, but it certainly wasn't stopping him. It seemed a theme Hayes and his thugs would find here, he wasn't one to be stopped or brought down with force.

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2013-07-02 11:24 am UTC (link)
Etoile needed to get one of her robots back online. She quickly focused enough to get one of them booted up. Which quickly grabbed her and Misha. The other robots would come hold them in place and shield them from the blast. The third one would keep an eye out for any attacks from Hayes.

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2013-07-02 05:36 pm UTC (link)
The landing jolted him to painful awareness. Misha stretched out a gloved hand and directed what systems were online to the blasting weapons. The blast from his glove was aimed in Hayes' direction.

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2013-07-02 09:55 pm UTC (link)
Rachel concentrated on protecting the others, expanding her TK shield further and further.

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2013-07-05 10:47 pm UTC (link)
Finally after what seemed like forever, the intensity of the beam began to die down. Hayes himself was sweating, Cait's internal assault had weakened him considerably. The tubular organ on his chest was circulating fluid frantically, but it wasn't enough. Hayes snarled in tired frustration as he prepared an attack for Vlad, but was then struck full-on by Misha's blast. His eye beam abruptly stopped.

"..You're just..prolonging..it all," Hayes said stumbling, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

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2013-07-05 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Rachel quickly reached out surrounding Hayes' unconscious form in a telekinetic bubble, applying a little Phoenix power to transform it into a force cocoon. It was solid and it would hold for a time.

"Everyone all right? X-Men, sound off!"

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