A Meeting
It had taken many months and very careful planning, not to mention promises and money, to get to this point, but Viper was quite pleased. Seven new lieutenants working for her and the criminal underworld slowly coming under her control.
The first obstacle had been her mother. Ophelia Sarkissian had outlived her usefulness and Olivia had her killed. Olivia had no real attachment to her mother and felt nothing when she poisoned the woman.
The second obstacle had been Temujin. Olivia didn't like the man, but he would serve her purpose well. Freeing him from SHIELD custody hadn't been easy, but she had managed it. Now he was indebted to her, just the way she wanted it.
The third had been the easiest. She reached out to the only blood relation she had left. Nicholas took a little convincing, but had agreed to work for her.
The fourth wasn't the most pleasant, but she had reached out to the Rumlows. Her father's followers, or anything dealing with her father, weren't her preferred choice, but they were effective. Olivia could use effective despite her personal feelings.
Matsu'o's spawn had been the easiest. All she had to do was promise him a shot at Wolverine's sons and foster daughter and he fell in line.
The others, Jigsaw II, the Serpent Society and the Espionage Elite just took some gold. Viper had plenty of gold and they had come relatively cheap.
Viper sat on the throne like chair and looked at the people gathered in the spacious room.
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