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gingeroracle ([info]gingeroracle) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-05-31 19:18:00

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Entry tags:fred mccoy, lexie, rachel summers, shane ostrum, tsunami, vlad rasputin, xmen

Happy Sweet 16
It was a tradition for Lexie's birthdays. The Summers' would break out the old grill and they'd have a big party, out by the pool, the first of the Summer. Steak and Hot Dogs, drinks, ice cream and cake, and music that kept getting louder by intervals until Scott went over to turn it down again. It really helped when your friends and family could control weather and make sure the water was warm...

THey saw some rough times but now..? Now it was time to party.

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2013-06-01 01:06 am UTC (link)
Fred comes out muttering and cursing. In his pointed ears can be seen cotton, though he clearly had no trouble hearing.

"Why in the he..!" he takes a breath to calm his nerves. Be civil..be civil. "The music is rather loud," he manages with forced-calm.

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2013-06-01 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Please excuse my sister's terrible taste in music," Rachel told Fred as she walked out of the Mansion. She was wearing a green and gold bikini that her dad would probably yell at her about, but she would be twenty in just a few days, and well, she looked damn good.

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2013-06-01 01:47 am UTC (link)
Fred looked over at Rachel..and was speechless for nearly a minute. He shook his head.

"I have no qualms with the music itself, merely its volume." He adjust the cotton in his ears.

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2013-06-01 01:48 am UTC (link)
Vlad comes up behind Fred and chuckles. "I didn't expect you here Fred. Nice!" He tries not to laugh at the speechlessness of the other guy. Then an amused smile at Rachel. "Is it that time of year again? Uncle Scott's blood pressure too low and time to fix that?"

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2013-06-01 01:53 am UTC (link)
"The music could be worse," Shane says, "But I can turn the music down for you if you want." Shane really enjoyed the water to pool parties were awesome in his book.

"Wow Rachel."

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2013-06-01 04:57 pm UTC (link)
Cait was sporting a new bikini as she floated on top the water in the pool sans a floating raft. It was a god day to soak up some rays.

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2013-06-01 05:15 pm UTC (link)
This would take *precise* timing...but she'd been practicing for this all year as suddenly the birthday girl, vectored away from the snack table and ran for her sister. Snagging her by the waist it was just a matter of letting propulsion take them over the edge into the pool. Hey, it was her birthday...and bating suit by the pool made you fair game. That and she had to do something to avenge the comment about her music!

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2013-06-01 09:47 pm UTC (link)

Rachel pushed her sister away and swam for the surface, spitting water out when she broke it.

"Oh, it is on."

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2013-06-01 10:19 pm UTC (link)
"Sylvie insisted," Fred said in weak protest to Vlad.

"I suppose it could," he admitted to Shane. "At least I am not in one of my excessively hirsute states. The weather would be less agreeable otherwise."

Cait inspires another period of silence from Fred before he shakes to free himself from the distraction. He raised an eyebrow at Rachel's sudden pull down into the pool. He turns to the others: "What was the point in that?"

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2013-06-01 11:00 pm UTC (link)
Vlad waved at Cait as she floated by, missing Lexie's charge until it kicks up quite a splash. "Sibling rivalry I guess," Vlad laughed and shrugged in response to Fred's question.

"But the girls have the right idea. It is a pool party after all," he added and shrugged off his open button down tshirt before diving in. "Not the swimming type Fred?"

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2013-06-01 11:39 pm UTC (link)
Fred looked dubiously at the water. He subconsciously brought his hands to where his stomach segmented under his shirt when Vlad took his shirt off.

"It is not something I've ever had reason to pursue."

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2013-06-02 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Swimming a useful skill," Shane says taking off his shirt before jumping in the water in a cannonball.

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2013-06-02 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Try it!" She called back to her sister with a laugh before back stroking a few legnths before floating on her back.

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2013-06-02 11:59 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, see that big boulder sized bubble of water floating just above you, Lexie?

It just popped.

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2013-06-03 10:44 pm UTC (link)
The water around Cait stayed calm and no drop touched her unless she wanted it to.

Today was about chilling.

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2013-06-03 11:35 pm UTC (link)
Lexie opened her eyes a fraction before the water fell on her, her yelp quickly drowned out with a mouthfull of water. Resurfacing a second later she pulled her bangs out of her eyes, "You wanna go to the matresses?? I'll take you *out*!" she sent another splash at her sister over Cait, knowing she'd stay dry. It wasnt a real party until someone was threatened..

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2013-06-04 02:35 am UTC (link)
Fred raised an eyebrow and too a few steps away from the pool.

"It doesn't really seem like a safe environment at the moment."

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2013-06-04 06:46 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, we can teach you another time, Shane's right, useful skill," he chuckled from the pool.

He swam over in Cait's direction. "Being the calm center of the storm?"

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2013-06-04 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Rachel dove under the water, swimming beneath Cait and grabbing at her sister's ankles to try and pull her under.

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2013-06-05 11:06 pm UTC (link)
Lexie gave a shriek and quickly back paddled away from Rachel, pulling herself out of the pool, pulling her feet clear and out of reach and stuck her tongue out at her sister.

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2013-06-06 10:25 pm UTC (link)
"Something like that," Cait said to Vlad. She gave him a kiss.

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2013-06-08 05:55 pm UTC (link)
Ah, chaotic Summers siblings, Vlad laughed. He grinned at Cait and returned the kiss. "By the way, either new bikini or just one I haven't seen, but you look great in it."

He walked backwards and gently pulled her to the half of the pool that was a little bit less of a...war-zone. "Come on, to the more awesome side of pool away from crazy Summers. We've got Shane and Fred, who we totally have to teach to swim one day, on this side."

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2013-06-08 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"Really?" Rachel asked. "You're running away from the telekinetic?"

She laughed.

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2013-06-09 10:25 pm UTC (link)
"New one," Cait answered Vlad. "Just bought it the other day."

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