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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-05-28 20:35:00

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Entry tags:argo, dolemeck, vincent vernard

The Hero-ver Part 1 - Amsterdam Morning
"Oh... oh goodness that must have been a bad idea.." Vincent Vernard wakes up on the floor of probably the best suite of an upscale hotel... somewhere. He can see the sky outside-- oh looking towards the light is a mistake. He winces and groans, facing away from the windows and trying to get the lay of where he is. He's next to a king-size bed, and can see out into a living room.

He's not alone.

He sits up and looks back onto the bed. Oh... very not alone.

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2013-06-03 01:37 am UTC (link)
"It's not working!" he screamed as the bird now began to peck at the top of his head. "Cousin, I do not wish to die at the hands of some fiery bird! if I do... tell Derek he looks bad in plaid! Those are my final words!"

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2013-06-03 02:11 am UTC (link)
The phoenix lets out a squawk, and switches targets, attacking Argo! No mere mortal can tell it what to do! It is no mere peacock any more!

A moment later, Argo's flowing locks catch fire.

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2013-06-03 02:15 am UTC (link)
"Inside now, Dolemeck!" Once Vincent hauls the slender one into the backseat, he dives over, discarded shirt from earlier in hand, and pulls Argo in through the window. He smothers the flames with the shirt, and then slams down the gas pedal.

They take off, the phoenix now in pursuit.

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2013-06-03 10:00 pm UTC (link)

Argo, fortunately, was not too badly singed by the time he was back inside.

"...It is gaining on us!"

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2013-06-03 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck peeked from the backseat of the car, watching as the Phoenix gained speed towards them. He turned around and made the sign of the cross on his chest and actually started to pray... in Latin of all things!

"Heavenly Father, I ask that you spare my life and that of my cousin Argo. You may have Vincent, as I am sure he is the cause of this entire mess. No really, we don't mind, you can have him, Heavenly Father. Just make this furious bird of flame stop trying to kill us. Amen."

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2013-06-04 12:25 am UTC (link)
"You might need a haircut..." Vincent mutters, as he watches out for pedestrians once more.

"I speak Latin too, you know!</i." He snaps at Dolemeck as he tries to offer him up. "I don't know what caused all this, but I'm not the one who handed my divinity over to a peacock and caused it to transubstantiate into a phoenix!" The car ends up going into a spiral as he has to spin to avoid a gout of fire-breath from the angry bird.

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2013-06-04 12:40 am UTC (link)
"I do not know how that happened!" Argo protested. "I cannot think of why I would do such a thing!"

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2013-06-04 12:48 am UTC (link)
"Think faster, cousin! That bird is not stopping it's attacks... AT ALL!" He continued to watch out of the backseat window as Vincent tried to dodge the fiery bird's attacks. "There must be SOME reason as to why you would revoke your power! Think... THINK!"

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2013-06-04 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Shut your mouth before you bite your tongue off." Vincent snarls, before pulling off a hairpin u-turn, as the bird soars past them, and he breaches the already fading wall of flame in the middle of the street.

"Out, now! We need to get out of its line of sight." He parks the car hastily, and runs inside a store.

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2013-06-04 01:13 am UTC (link)
Argo frowned. "No. We had something to do with this. And we must face it head on. Go! I shall hold it off."

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2013-06-04 01:17 am UTC (link)
In a move he remembers seeing Andrea do to Bentley far too often, Vincent reaches back into the car to dope-slap the former godling.

"I'm one of the twenty smartest people on Earth, and I have a plan. MOVE NOW."

For a moment, there is... well, he'd be shocked to realize it himself, but there is something of Vincent's father in his voice and presence.

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2013-06-04 01:29 am UTC (link)
"Argo is right, we cannot keep running from the bird. If we rush into any building, the bird could attack it and cause mass casualties and MORE property damage. We need to stand our ground against it." Dolemeck shook his head, unable to believe he was saying such a thing. he got out and stood by Argo's side.

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2013-06-04 08:07 pm UTC (link)
"What are you planning to DO?" Vincent flails his arms out in frustration, accidentally knocking a roll out of another pedestrian's hand.

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2013-06-04 08:08 pm UTC (link)
The phoenix has caught up on them by now, but it stops, for some reason. It descends into the street, examining the loose bread product.

The flames start to subside, just a little.

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2013-06-04 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"Aaaah," Argo mused. "I think I understand."

Quite carefully, and meaning no threat, he approached the bird and scooped up the roll, breaking off an edible-sized piece, and offering it to the bird.

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2013-06-05 07:50 pm UTC (link)
"It... was hungry?" He blinked a few times, staying put as Argo went to go feed the fiery bird. "It attacked me out of hunger? This is most odd indeed."

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2013-06-05 10:48 pm UTC (link)
"No, I'm fairly certain it was angry. You did break its neck after all." Vincent stares at the developing tableau.

"I think... I think it's really just still a peacock. Hopped up on divine power, but a peacock. Raised in a zoo. A handout is going to be more attractive than a fight." He grimaces. What he wouldn't give to be able to call on the Lady Frigg right now.

Taking a chance, he wanders closer to Argo and the bird, and gives a gentle whistle. He grabs a pretzel off a street cart, and lowers himself towards the ground, offering it towards the bird.

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2013-06-05 10:50 pm UTC (link)
The phoenix is on the ground, head bobbing now. Its form changes, becoming more mortal again. It doesn't look like a phoenix anymore, it just looks like a peacock that happens to be on fire.

It tilts its head at Argo and Vincent, then fans its tail wide open, displaying its brilliant plumage.

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2013-06-05 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"Beautiful creature," Argo said. "I am glad we could solve this peacefully."

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2013-06-07 10:59 pm UTC (link)
"It is quite gorgeous." Dolemeck smiled, finally moving to stand next to Argo once more. "Look at that display of feathers!"

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2013-06-07 11:24 pm UTC (link)
Vincent, cautiously, approaches as the creature rubs its head against Argo. "Dolemeck... touch the bird, gently. At the same time as me. I have a theory to test."

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2013-06-07 11:50 pm UTC (link)
"The bird just tried to peck my eyes out, and you wish for me to simply lay a hand on it?" he raised an eyebrow. "It was trying to kill me, Vincent!"

His voice was rushed, yet quiet. But with much reluctance, Dolemeck walked over to the peacock and gently placed his hand on the side of the bird, his head turned away in fear of it.

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2013-06-08 12:32 am UTC (link)
Argo continued to gently rub the bird's head. "There, there," he said softly. "You are quite safe now."

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2013-06-08 12:44 am UTC (link)
As soon as all three young men make contact, it happens. There's no massive flash of light or crack of thunder, but just a deafening bell note of silence, followed by...

"Oh thank Odin..." Vincent utters, as he feels whole again.

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2013-06-09 10:38 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck found himself being able to be consumed by the shadows, disappear, and then appeared across the street in another shadow.

"My powers appear to have been returned to me!"

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(no subject) - [info]son_of_hercules, 2013-06-09 10:46 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2013-06-09 10:52 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-06-09 11:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]son_of_hercules, 2013-06-09 11:07 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_citizen, 2013-06-10 12:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2013-06-10 12:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-06-10 11:35 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]son_of_hercules, 2013-06-10 11:52 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_citizen, 2013-06-11 12:31 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]quitethecharmer, 2013-06-11 12:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]son_of_hercules, 2013-06-11 10:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]dolemecknight, 2013-06-11 11:41 pm UTC

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