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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-05-02 15:38:00

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Current location:The MET, NYC
Current mood: anxious
Entry tags:derek woo, dolemeck, plot - "the nights tale"

Darkest Night
Derek and Dolemeck managed to get out of France before Venus and Bob had arrived to check on their adopted son, and before that insane woman from the Louvre made it to New York City, it appeared. Dolemeck was in awe at the sheer size of the museum before him. Never had he felt so small before! Now that he was properly dressed in a white dress shirt, black slacks, black work boots, and a black vest, Dolemeck looked over at Derek with a raised eyebrow.

"Do we just march in, or do we have to buy tickets, first? I doubt they will take us seriously if we tell them that a crazed woman is after a priceless artifact."

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2013-05-12 06:30 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, that we must." Dolemeck spoke quietly, walking out of the room before Derek. He was unsure of how to feel right now. His main focus was to stop that women, save the sword... and then what? Probably find a dark space to curl up in for a few days.

"I hate Spain." He muttered under his breath as he continued to walk.

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