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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-26 16:20:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, kael, svalin

Happy Birthday! (Aridis, Svalin, Asleif and Hal)(Open)
Svalin still didn't quite understand why mortals celebrated the day they were born, but she did like the idea of presents. Giving that is. She found a good pair of leather boots for Aridis and Hal. Asleif was the hard one, but in the end Svalin settled for a leather pouch to hold spell components.

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2013-04-26 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Vernique figured the best presents for this occasion would be food. New stashes of dark chocolate for Svalin and her sisters, and an order of bison meat for Hal.

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2013-04-27 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Kael had no idea what to get most of the siblings, so he asked Vernique if he could go half on the chocolate and food.

Asleif on the other hand was easy to think of a gift for. He decided he would give her an old Svartalfheim spellbook given to him in his youth when there were still hopes he could perform magic some day. He imagined she would appreciate the opportunity to study a different type of magic.

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