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Winston Frost ([info]sapphireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-18 23:04:00

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Winston and Vlad hanging out and the X-Mansion.
Winston had gone into town to deal with some band drama. One would think a group of guys would be less drama filled that a damned girl group but no, there was always some sort of crap going down. After dealing with all their crap he decided to pick up a case since he was the type to share. If they went through the whole case he would be surprised. He hid the case in his duffle since he knew that Scott would freak out if he saw him with it, this way he figured he was being sneaky. He peeked his head into the rec room and saw Vlad. "Psst! Dude!" He stage whispered. "I got beer." He darted into the room and sat down next to him, putting the duffle between them. "It's in the bag." He needed less sketchy friends, he was starting to act like them.

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