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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-18 01:46:00

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Current location:Derek's Apartment, NYC
Current mood: relaxed
Entry tags:derek woo, dolemeck

Rest, Recovery, and Hero Talk
Dolemeck was encouraged to take two weeks off of work from his boss, after suffering a gun shot to his shoulder. At the hospital he was told how lucky he was that the bullet did not sever an artery in his shoulder, and that he did not bleed out. He also was hit on a bit by a few nurses who saw him without a shirt on, much to his shock and discomfort. he was happy when he was discharged and told to get plenty of bed rest and keep the would clean and bandaged properly. As he would have issues with changing his own bandages, he agreed to stay with Derek in his apartment and be cared for until he no longer needed to bandage and clean his wounds.

It had been a few days since he had been shot, and Derek had to explain to him about guns, bad people, and that Dolemeck should probably tell his parents what had happened. Dolemeck took these lessons to heart, but refused to call Bob and Venus up, feeling ashamed that he got hurt on his first day of work.

"Derek, I do not know how to thank you for such kindness." Dolemeck smiled, hissing as he held on to his shoulder while laying down on the couch in his cousin's apartment. "But we must talk. I wish to talk about us becoming heroes. I feel as though this is our fate... that or what I am feeling is that medicine that the doctors prescribed for me for the pain."

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2013-04-18 04:16 am UTC (link)
"It's not a problem, Dole."

That's all he can say, because he feels like crap for not helping Dole out more before this happened. Still, Derek is really glad that his cousin is safe and sound.

"And I know. I have been involved in a few fights, but nothing that I have done seems to have to have stuck yet. Not for lack of trying, but yeah..."

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2013-04-18 05:00 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck can only smile as he made himself get up off of he couch and walk over towards Derek. He managed to place both his hands on his shoulders. It hurt him to hear such a short answer from his cousin, so he assumed that he was upset.

"Do not feel bad, Derek. I am alive and well. Not even you could have suspected such bad people would come after my place of work." He continued to smile at his cousin. "And you are as brave and noble as your Father. That is why I think you would make a wonderful leader and a hero. I aspire to be like you and Mac, Derek. I may know very little about basic things, but I know when I see a hero."

His smile did not wan as he removed his hands from Derek's shoulders and walked over to a window in the apartment, gazing out of it as he continued to speak to Derek.

"My Mother always said that each mortal has a destiny. A calling to do something great in this world, even if it is something small. The night I got hurt, I believe I figured it out. I still believe we should become the agents our parents once were." His green eyes turned from the window to Derek. "I know I spoke of this when I was weak from losing blood, but that is what I truly believe, Derek. We should become the new Agents of Atlas and pick up from where our elders left off."

Dolemeck remained headstrong about a new "Agents of Atlas". He truly believed he should follow in the foot-steps of their families.

"Even if it is just the two of us, we can make a difference in this world. We can do something to stop bad people!"

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2013-04-18 05:40 pm UTC (link)
"Agents of Atlas, Shoesellers of Saturn, whatever we call ourselves we'll do some good," Derek said with a smile. He liked the enthusiasm, but in regards to what they had to deal with growing up in Atlas...who would be able to deal with that well?

Perhaps they should start looking for just that person...

"But hey, regardless of what happens we still got each other and the family as a whole."

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2013-04-18 06:26 pm UTC (link)
"... I do not wish to be a "Shoeseller of Saturn", Derek." Dolemeck did not know his cousin was joking, but the look on his own face was priceless. "We will always have our family."

Dolemeck did not wish to add in that he probably did not have the luxury of always having family. He knew one day he could become corrupted, he could be found by demon hunters and dragged back down to limbo. His soul would probably shatter, and he would return to the being he once was.

"I wish to be able to call myself other than "Dolemeck Night". My first name is the original name I had as a demon, and Mother gave me the last name "Night" because of how my hair was as dark as the night sky." He did not wish to pain his cousin with such information, so he just smiled and changed the subject. "Besides... some people are quite odd and just call me a "fruit cup". Apparently there is a brand of fruit called "Dole". It would not be very heroic to be thought of as fruit."

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2013-04-18 06:38 pm UTC (link)
"Well, i don't really know much about heroic names. I've been kinda sorta been going by Marvel Boy, because of the headband your dad gave me, but I don't really have much of an identity. Hell, I don't even really have a costume."

Derek shrugs.

"But we'll figure something out."

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2013-04-18 07:00 pm UTC (link)
"You could be the "Atlantian", though people might suspect you come from Atlanta, Georgia with such a name." Dolemeck continued to smile, his hands now resting behind his back as he continued to look out the window. "It is better than being thought of as "fruit", however."

"I... want wish to be like a true Knight, like in the books I read. Saving the world from the worst. But no dragon slaying! Mister Lao would... not be happy if I picked up such a hobby."

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2013-04-18 07:17 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not gonna go by the Atlantian. That's sill. That's like being 'The Miami-an or the San Fransiscan'," Derek said, although he began to laugh at the city thing. It was really silly, but it was heartfelt.

"Knight would be a pretty cool name. Although you'd have to worry about flesh wounds."

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2013-04-18 07:29 pm UTC (link)
"It was just a thought. It sounded better than my next choice which was "Atlas". Not because of the foundation our families belong to, but sometimes you appear to have the world on your shoulders." he had a thin smile upon his lips. "And I would not have to worry about flesh wounds if I had some armor made for me." The Python joke went right over Dolemeck's head. "I want to be a "White Knight", Derek. Someone good and who people would... accept."

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2013-04-18 07:31 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, is there a hero named 'paladin'? It kind of means the same thing, but paladins are knights that were better than others."

Derek thinks a bit.

"Hold on, I need to check something real quick. I need a thesaurus!"

Derek starts moving to his own book collection, trying to find the thesaurus he needed

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2013-04-18 07:49 pm UTC (link)
"Paladins were chaste and holy. I am not holy, Derek. I would just sully the concept of a paladin if I took the name of one." Dolemeck blinked, then sighed as he watched Derek going through his book collection. "Top shelf, right hand side, next to a copy of "The History of the Greek Gods". As for the "chaste" part of being a Paladin. I am unsure if I wise to be "chaste" for the rest of my life or not. I think I would like to feel "love" on a physical level one day."

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2013-04-18 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Oh right. not the same layout as his little library. Damn.

"Look, Dole, you're thinking far too little of yourself again. You need to stop that. If you want to be a hero, it may well be holy. And even then, we could look at the thesaurus."

Derek grabs the book now, flipping through the pages to get to the right spit.

"Let's see...Cavalier, Champion, Gentleman...Man At Arms...there are a few here that I think sound good. Dolemeck Night, the Cavalier!"

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2013-04-18 08:29 pm UTC (link)
"I... do not think that name is suited for me as well." He rubbed his chin, slipping into the shadows and then appearing back at Derek's side. "I think... I will go by "Night"."

Dolemeck looked content, thinking the last name given to him by his parents was perhaps the best choice for his name as a hero. Plus it sounded like "Knight", and it did make him feel more noble. He then came back to reality and spoke to Derek, somewhat apologetic in his tone of voice.

"And I do apologize for re-arranging your books. I thought I should put books that are alike together. Here we have your information, here is the shelf for entertainment, and in this small spot is an area to keep your "secret" books so no one will find them. Did I do a good thing?"

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2013-04-18 09:05 pm UTC (link)
"Ooooh, that's a nice play on words. But it's hard to picture you in armor jumping out of the shadows. Especially considering you," Derek says with a chuckle.

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2013-04-18 09:16 pm UTC (link)
"I suppose it is hard to imagine." Dolemeck chuckled alongside of Derek. "Maybe I should wear a jerkin or chainmail so I am more mobile. Though I would like plate gauntlets none the less."

Dolemeck sighed, his hand still resting on his chin as he thought. "Brother? Do you still have that headband that Father gave you? I wish to show you something."

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2013-04-18 09:42 pm UTC (link)
"I do, actually. It's not as good as your Dads, but it's pretty helpful. I do get a hell of a headache using it, but it's usually worth it," Derek says as he reaches into his pocket, pulling the retractable headband from it's secure place.

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2013-04-18 10:04 pm UTC (link)
"I will try and be careful on that regard, Derek. And if I get you a headache, I promise I will do something to make it better or make it up to you."

Dolemeck closed his eyes and began to show Derek his earliest memories of Limbo. The world had orange looking sand, a skyline that went from pink to red, and ended with a dark purple, and hordes of demons in all shapes and forms. Dolemeck did not look as much as a monster as he often spoke of. He had sharp horns on his head like a gazelle, his hands had sharp black claws, and his skin was actually blue.

"This was my world before I came here." he spoke through narration. In the distance, you could see a blonde woman with goat legs, horns, and a sword ordering demons about and slaying others who appeared to disobey her. "Magik had just come into rule before I escaped. Lore in Limbo says her sword is made from the pure part of her soul. She was a powerful sorceress and we followed her word as law... mostly out of fear and not of admiration."

Before the demon Dolemeck, a bright light formed in a cave in limbo. He is seen following the bright light. "Then one day, this light formed. As bright as Magik's sword, but it did not hurt me. It felt unlike anything I had felt before, so I was drawn to it. I then fell through the bright light and ended up in your world."

Demon Dolemeck was now seen hiding in the shadows, watching the world through an alleyway in a city. "I knew not where I was. But this is where I first saw mortals. They were nothing like my fellow creature sin Limbo. While I was tempted to go by my nature and create chaos, I held back for some reason. The more I watched humans, the more I wished to be like them."

The next memory is of Demon Dolemeck watching a police officer arrest some bad guy with the help of Spider-Man. "I saw heroes for the first time. And I was amazed! Magik was considered not just our ruler, but a hero... and Earth's heroes were so different. They did not create mayhem and chaos. They brought peace and enforced law."

Finally, demon Dolemeck is seen in a library, sitting on a pile of books he had knocked over and read. "The only chaos I caused here were messes with getting books and reading as many as I could find. I read about King Arthur, George Washington, and even Namor! After all of the books I read, all of the things I had seen in Limbo and on Earth, I wanted to be like them. I no longer felt any desire to create darkness and chaos, but to try and bring light and hope. I wanted to be not just a hero, but a human as well. To me... being a hero means I am human."

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2013-04-18 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Derek is quiet for a while. He's processing the information that he receives and fighting the coming headache. it was a lot of info at once, and unlike Uncle Bob he didn't really have as much training in dealing with it. It's just so very...real that he needs some time to get his head straight.

"Wow, that's a lot, man. but you know what? You're human, all right. I don't doubt it for a second. But if you want to be a hero to prove what's already true, I'll make sure I'm there with you."

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2013-04-18 11:25 pm UTC (link)
"You... would do that for me? You would help me to become a hero? Just so I may feel "human", like I wish?" Dolemeck quickly gave Derek a hug, almost crying at what his cousin told him. "Thank you... thank you so much. You are going to make a great Khan one day, and I will do everything I can to protect you and become the hero I have always dreamed of being."

He then let go of Derek, worried he was hurting him. "My apologies. I just... I was overcome with emotion. Mother says I am rather sensitive and I do apologize once more. I shall make this up to you by getting you books with those pretty girls in swimsuits you so like."

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2013-04-18 11:48 pm UTC (link)
"Hey it's not a problem, Dole. You went through a lot in your life and-"

Aaaaand then that's when Dolemecks last couple of words finally sunk in.

"Ummm...no, no need for that at all. It's okay, you don't need to do that at all. Nope."

Now Dereks a bit flustered.

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2013-04-19 12:09 am UTC (link)
"Are you sure? I am quite fond of the woman who wears the sea shell bikini in the latest issue, myself! She is very lovely to look at and beauty should be admired as my Mother says!" Dolemeck smiled more, tilting his head as he studied Derek's face. The back of his hand rested on his cousin's forehead. "I do not feel a fever... yet your face is quite flushed."

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2013-04-20 12:47 am UTC (link)
"No! No, I mean, I don't have a fever I have no idea what you're talking about nope."

Embarrassed. Abashed. Bewildered. Confused. Quite a few synonyms for embarrassment are now swirling around Derek right now.

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2013-04-20 01:08 am UTC (link)
"Derek, you are red faced... I fear you are sick! You probably got sick taking care of me. I am so sorry." Dolemeck shook his head and then started to push his cousin back towards his bedroom. "You get straight to bed! I will make you that ginger chicken soup to help you recover quickly, and read to you stories about Knights and Dragons, just as I did when you were small!"

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2013-04-20 01:37 am UTC (link)
"No! No! I'm not sick. I'm pretty sure I'm not. I'm just...dude, that's not...ummm..."

How does one explain to someone technically older than you that getting that kind of gift is not the best idea?

"It's...as much as i like those things, I don't always think those are good gifts."

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2013-04-20 01:43 am UTC (link)
"But... I have been taught by my Mother that gifts of beauty are always good gifts. And my Father always said that giving people things they wish, as long as it does not do anyone any harm is acceptable."

Dolemeck blinked, he was still trying to get Derek into his room and to bed. He truly believed his cousin was feeling ill with such a red face. He almost turned purple from all the blushing.

"Derek, please, go into your room and I will make you something to eat. I know my shoulder has been injured, but that will not stop me from helping to take care of you if you are sick!"

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2013-04-20 08:06 pm UTC (link)
"I don't need food man! Yeesh. You're acting like I have chicken pox again! I'm fine! Don't worry!"

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2013-04-23 01:06 am UTC (link)
"But I do worry I..." For a moment, he stopped talking and just stood there. Dolemeck almost appeared to be like a statue. He did not blink, his eyes somewhat wide as he stood over Derek (as he was the taller of the two). His hands had dropped down to his side as he saw a "flash" in his mind. Something that just seemed familiar, yet disconnected at the same time.

There was a boy chasing a chicken around in a setting that looked like one of those Medieval Fairies that Derek too him to. But it felt so... real? The boy's mother calls him inside for dinner, and he protests then gives in, kicking a stone on his way.

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2013-04-23 01:51 am UTC (link)
Derek hadn't been focusing like he had earlier, so this flash of memory goes by without direct observation, but with the headband still on Derek can feel that something is up.

"Dolemeck? Can you hear me?"

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2013-04-23 02:00 am UTC (link)
His mind was showing "flashes" of images to Derek if he looked with his headband. Most were images from a different time period, all in first person and not third. Images of Knights, common folk, a Princess, a King. But none of it made sense or seemed to connect in any way. It was almost as though someone turned the TV on in Dolemeck's mind and failed to tune the channel properly.

"..." He remained still and unresponsive to Derek. It was as though he were trapped in time.

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2013-04-23 03:35 am UTC (link)
Well, this was creepy.

"Dude? Dude, you gotta wake up, man! Hey! Hey, Dole!"

Derek is now really concerned. He doesn't want to poke in mentally, so he'll to the next best thing: he'll quickly move to the kitchen and grab a cup with water, intent on drenching his cousin to wake him up.

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2013-04-23 03:40 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck quickly came back to life, coughing and hacking after he had a cup of water thrown at him. His long black hair now looked like a river of ink going down his head and back. He looked bewildered, then calmed himself down once he realized he was in the same room as Derek.

"Oh, I am terribly sorry, Derek. I must have had one of those "flashes" again. I will get to making you something to eat right away!"

He smiled and headed for the kitchen, as if nothing had happened.

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2013-04-24 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Derek has a face that was somewhere between confused, horrified, and bemused at the actions of his cousin. He really didn't know how to react to this whole thing. At all.

"Dude...you go off into lala-land and you're still gonna try and get me soup for my non-existent illness? Dude, get yourself taken care of first."

The second part is not said in a warning tone or a sarcastic one, but a genuinely concerned one.

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2013-04-24 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"But I am fine, though." he turned to look at Derek, just as he was starting to cut up some vegetables to make a soup stock. "I have had these "flashes" for as long as I could remember. Well, since I became human at least. Mother was worried enough to have my Father take a good look at me. He said he could not make heads or tails of it, but deemed whatever it was it appeared to have no harm to me."

Once Dolemeck finished cutting up the vegetables, he placed them in the soup pot he had taken out, and then went to the fridge to cut up some chicken to put in there. He also searched the cabinets to toss some ginger into the pot as well.

"You are just as stubborn as your father sometimes, Derek."

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2013-04-24 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, I know I can be. I could even be more, because I'm certain that stubbornness is inborn in freaking Atlanteans!" Derek says this with aplomb...although his will is melted when he starts to smell the food.

"Of course, I'm a sucker for a hot meal."

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2013-04-25 12:00 am UTC (link)
"Never have you been able to resist my cooking. Mother always said if I were to ever get married, my wife would be the luckiest woman in this world. I mean, I doubt most husbands can cook. And when I mean cook, I do not mean putting one of those ramen cups in the microwave." He grinned some. Dolemeck took pride in his cooking as he did with his books. While the soup stock was cooking, he began to make some noodles in another pot for the soup.

"And you speak truth. Even Auntie Namora can come off as prideful and stubborn. But you are not as bad." Dolemeck smiled, turning back to Derek, being very careful with his shoulder as he worked. "But those can be good traits. Especially for when you become the next Khan! And when you do, I shall continue to be in your service as I am now."

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2013-04-25 10:42 pm UTC (link)
"Well, thanks a lot for that, Dolemeck. I know I'm gonna need people who are loyal to me, so yeah," Derek said with a smile as he found a place to sit.

"And what's wrong with my method of cooking? Just because I happen to think microwavable ramen is tasty doesn't mean I don't know how to cook! I just prefer that!"

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2013-04-25 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"It is not healthy for you." Dolemeck gave him a look as he stirred the soup base for a bit. "You should eat more home cooked meals, as they would have less chemicals in them than that packaged ramen you buy."

He shook his head, putting the lid back on the pot and sitting across from Derek in the kitchen. The soup base would have to cook for a few more hours before he could put the noodles in and then make it a proper soup.

"Some may question my loyalty to you, as I am not direct family, and the fact I am a former demon." he spoke softly, playing with a cup that was on the table. "I have no motive not to be loyal to you. I have no desire to ride your coat tails to rise in status. You are my family, Derek, and true family will always be there for each other, yes? I want to be part of that. That is all I will ever ask you for."

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2013-04-28 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"Look, you know what? I don't give a damn what any one of those folks have to say. I have an auntie who is a sea monster, three uncles that are, in order: a gorilla, a killer robot, and a Uranian. I also have several royal cousins and you. I don't give a damn what anyone says, you're loyal to the family. That's good enough to me."

Derek was trying to sound like he was putting his foot own. Which he was. But then he started chuckling.

"Jeez, that makes it sound like we're part of the mob or some crap."

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2013-04-28 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"It does feel like one of those old movies you showed me. The one with the men known as "gangsters" and the "coppers" who bring them to justice." He began to smile once more, his arms across his chest as he sat back in his chair. It was rare for Dolemeck to relax like that in a chair. he always sat so prim and proper. "We're the sons of Atlas, and that says it all I believe."

His tone had been soft until now. Now Dolemeck just sounded like a child in a candy store as he looked over at Derek. "May we please go to the MET, Derek? They have the new "Arms and Armory" exhibit up, and I wish to see the armor and weapons of REAL knights and heroes. Just like in my books!"

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2013-04-28 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"That sounds like a plan. it'd be interesting to see, for certain. But when it first opens it'll be a pain to get in. I'd wait for the crowd to drop down. Say, sometime next week?"

Derek also didn't like inconveniencing others in regards to wait, and he could easily get a private tour. That could easily be a nice surprise for Dolemeck later this week, though...

There is an evil part of him that is pleased by this idea.

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2013-04-28 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"As you so wish, Derek. Being as you are wiser in how society works... I shall wait a week." Dolemeck almost pouted a little. He really wished to see that exhibit as soon as possible. He got up to go check on the soup, then back to his seat across the table from Derek. "I suppose in the meantime we can watch more movies. I am starting to like these "motion pictures" quite a bit."

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