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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-11 16:08:00

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Entry tags:derek woo, dolemeck, mac rider

Extended Family!
Derek was someone who liked having a family, even if it were one of the most unusual families out there (although he had heard the Summers family was even crazier, but he didn't know them except through reputation), but even with the weirdness of his family it never seemed to be overwhelming. But it could sometimes be overwhelming for him. So here he was, about to introduce a cousin to another cousin.

Not that technically one cousin was actually an older nephew and the other an adopted demon form limbo who got a soul. But that's just a technicality. So here he was, knocking on Macs door with a good amount of takeout and waiting to hear from Dolemeck as to when he would be arriving.

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2013-04-12 03:02 am UTC (link)
"Right under your parents, where you're supposed to be. Your mom's a goddess, not a queen. Your relationship to Grandmother and Derek's dad is emotional, but has nothing to do with Royal Duty. Trust me, that is so much better than having both."

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2013-04-12 03:03 am UTC (link)
"You're there, Dole. You're a transplanted part in, but you're there. And the Atlanteans are...very very specific about their bloodlines. Frankly, I'm glad I have to deal with Atlas stuff more than I do the Royal stuff."

There is a quick shoveling of food into his mouth.

"Nothing on you, Mac. The Royal lines in Atlantis are nuts."

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2013-04-12 03:11 am UTC (link)
"So, I am not being left out of anything because I am not truly a "human". I am still loved and accepted despite my lack of blood-line?" He looked over at Mac, then Derek. He was always fearful that someone in his "family" would want him gone or would send him back to Limbo, despite his Mother's kind words. "If this is the case, then I am happy to just be here. I am happy to be part of your family."

He finally managed a soft, somewhat kind smile, before shoveling more Chow Mein into his mouth and eating it.

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2013-04-12 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Not a bit of offense taken, Derek. I love them all, but it's messed up stuff. I ever tell you what happened with Nim's boyfriend, centuries old challenge laws, two traitors in the palace, what was almost an invasion by the Canadians?"

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2013-04-12 10:35 pm UTC (link)
"...an almost Canadan invasion of Atlantis?"

Derek had been so focused on his life in Atlas before this that his extended families exploits had often been heard third or fourthhand and would be lost on the young man.

"How...how on earth did that happen?"

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2013-04-12 10:46 pm UTC (link)
"I thought... Canadians were friendly. Why would they wish to invade my family?" Dolemeck gave a look of confusion as he looked at Mac, then at Derek. "They are also not known for invading... I am most puzzled. mac, can you please explain what happened? or is this for royal family only? If so, I can hide in the shadows until I am allowed back!"

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2013-04-12 10:54 pm UTC (link)
"One, there's a difference between Canadians as individuals and the Government of Canada, but actually, it was Atlanteans who started it. As I said, traitors. They'd kidnapped Nim's boyfriends parents as part of some convoluted scheme to make them break up and make Nim marry a normal Atlantean boy --they'd already had the boyfriend attacked by six or seven 'duelling challengers.' Since the kidnapping was part of manipulating the line of succession, the international laws blocking Alpha Flight from going after them were negated, and Nim's future brother-in-law came in, rescued his parents, legally established jursidiction, served the subpoenas, and headed off Namor's about-to-explode temper by kneeling courtly-as-you-please to ask for the traitors in chains. They're in a Canadian prison now. It was a masterpiece of law enforcement."

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2013-04-12 11:15 pm UTC (link)
"Wow. That's damn impressive. Tell me, wouldn't it have been possible for Atlantis to have not only not accepted but to have considered it an act of war? Or with them acting independently through the succession laws were they able to circumvent the issue?"

Derek is new to the game of politics and international law, so it would be a good idea to learn about these things. Especially since Atlas itself was a full sovereign power.

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2013-04-12 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck looked lost. Laws of the mortal/human world were always confusing to him. In this case, he had never been so confused before. His green eyes just went wide and he looked at his cousins, sipping his soda can and actually remaining silent for once.

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2013-04-12 11:22 pm UTC (link)
"That was the loophole, yes! They'd had to put up with the 'challengers' for weeks by that point, and were already getting pretty frustrated, but nothing they could do except arrest the ones that actually tried to attack him at home, while they were still on Canadian soil. But that got Bochs started scouring international law, and that's where he found it, in time to, y'know, prevent his parents from having gods-know-what done to them by a bunch of backstabbing courtiers."

And then Mac realizes, and smiles at Dolemeck. "Sorry, Dole. I'm also an auxillary corpsman... kind of cop, sometimes. So Bochs's crazy legal footwork to save his family really impressed me, but I know it's complicated."

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2013-04-12 11:30 pm UTC (link)
"It is no trouble, Mac. Really! I am just beginning to learn the laws. I know the moral ones... but... not the ones you spoke of. Should I ever go to Atlantis, I would more than likely be lost... and I doubt very welcome." he chuckled as the soda bubbles got to his nose. "After-all, I cannot swim, and I would be a corpse by the time I reached the city. Not very fun at all I imagine!"

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2013-04-13 12:09 am UTC (link)
"Wow. That's nuts, Mac. But it's good that it didn't lead to a full on war. I know Canada is a lot tougher and more badass than people give them credit for."

Somehow knowing that the last three military sniper distance records had been held by Canadian soldiers came in handy!

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2013-04-13 12:12 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. And even with that, one of the Alpha Flight girls ended up in traction. Poor Nim was so upset. But she healed up fine. And yeah, Dole, best you not come to Atlantis without the proper equipment."

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2013-04-13 12:33 am UTC (link)
"So noted!" He had finished his can of soda, and then cracked open another and started to drink it down. Sweet foods were uncommon in his old world, so he sort of... indulged himself with sodas and candies once he discovered them. Though he was warned to be careful with his consumption, as it could lead to tooth loss. "Besides, I would have to learn to swim, first, before considering travel to Atlantis. Though I wonder if I can shadow port there..."

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2013-04-13 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Ouch, in traction? That must have really sucked for her. It makes me wish that I had dealt with the Atlanteans more just so that I'd at least know the big details of the big crap I hear about."

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2013-04-13 08:22 pm UTC (link)
"Between your Mom and Derek, I'm sure you can get some swimming lessons, Dole. And yeah, sucked, but she made a full recovery. You know Korra's joined up with Alpha Flight too, now." Quickly, to Dolemeck. "Korra and Nim are our second cousins; they're sisters, though Korra's not even Canadian. I'm glad they're sticking together, though."

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2013-04-13 08:56 pm UTC (link)
"I have not met them before. I was told I have a very large family, but I did not know how large." He was in shock over the thought of more cousins. He wondered what Korra and Nim were like.

The minute he heard "Alpha Flight", he knew that his female cousins were heroes like his male cousins, his uncles, his aunts, his Mother, and his Father. It gave him more of a drive to be like them. All of them in some way or another. But he did not know how to be a hero. he just knew he wanted to protect the things and people he loved so dearly.

Dolemeck appeared to be day dreaming now, still sipping his soda, and wondering what life as one of the Agents of Atlas or under his Cousin's rule would be like.

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2013-04-13 09:21 pm UTC (link)
"It is a pretty big family. It's just that Atlas takes a lot of time and effort to run. It takes a lot for us and our parents that we don't get to spend as much time out as we would like, except when going around San Fransisco."

Derek felt kind of bad: he knew he had quite the extended family, but he didn't always get to spend much time out and about. This was among the longest amount of time he had spent away from Atlas business, and he's only spent time with a little bit of his family. He should fix that soon.

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2013-04-13 09:30 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, totally understandable. And as for the rest of the family, well, you should totally meet Nim and Korra sometime, Dole, but you're going to need to brace yourself if you meet Namor. Now, let me be clear, he's a great king, and a great guy, and I love him and respect him, but, well, you're used to Grandmother, right? Derek's Mom, your Aunt Namora? Tough, fiercely intelligent, generally awesome?"

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2013-04-13 10:11 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck quickly returned to reality as he was asked a question. he placed his can of soda down and looked over at mac. "A-actually, I did not spend much time with Aunt Namora. She saw me once or twice when she was not attending to Atlas business and then would have words with my Mother and Father. I know not what she would tell them, but I respected that this was their time to talk.. But she would come out, pat me on the head, and go on her way."

He then placed a finger to his lips in thought. "Aunt Namora did bring me a seashell as a present once. She said it was a very special gift and to keep it with me. And I have. I have it in a display case in my apartment." He smiled fondly as he remembered the gift and the day he received it. "Aunt Namora said it was special, because it came from a creature so far down in the ocean, that most mortal beings like myself would never be able to see it."

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2013-04-13 10:14 pm UTC (link)
"Ah. Well, Grandmother's usually the best point of reference for explaining Namor. But that sounds very nice, Dole."

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2013-04-14 05:21 am UTC (link)
"It truly is. I cherish that shell greatly, just like my stuffed bear Bobo." Dolemeck suddenly blinked. He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. "It is almost ten o'clock. I should be going back to my home, now. I must go to sleep by eleven if I am to be rested enough to go out job hunting again. if I get a call that I have the job at the bookstore, then I will find something else to do with my time."

He had a smile on his face to show how grateful he was to his cousins. He stood up and shook Derek's hand, as well as Mac's.

"I thank you for your hospitality, Mac. It was most welcoming. And Derek, my brother, thank you for such a wonderful meal! Goodnight!"

With a wave, Dolemeck suddenly slipped into the shadows and just... disappeared. He left behind a one hundred dollar bill for Derek to cover his share of their dinner. Someone needed to talk to Dolemeck about how much money he should give and spend!

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