Happy Birthday Cait (Open)
Vlad jolted awake at his desk and looked at the clock in disoriented panic. Shoot, past breakfast. Ugh, why had he let himself doze off?
He glanced at what he'd been up all night working on, at least it was done. Frankly, he'd been stuck on what to get Cait for her birthday, presents were always hard, so he finally settled on making her something. Unfortunately with the short time frame it meant avoiding her for a few days and pulling some late nights, as evidenced by the pile of red bulls on his desk. Next present he'd have to start earlier...this just wouldn't do.
In a hurry, Vlad changed and tried to look like he didn't just try and pull an all nighter and dozed off on his desk. He couldn't do anything much about the ink stains on his hands, washing only got rid of so much of those. He quickly rolled up the paper and tied it with the ribbon he'd set aside before picking up the card too and jogging down the stairs to go find Cait and wish her (not as early as he'd hoped) a happy birthday.
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