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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Sometimes the recklessness of youth helped out. "Thank you. But you never said who you're supposed to be." See? He could be polite, the guy did after all acknowledge Dr. Strange was great, and that he was doing well. Magic fights could be civilized right? Not like the guy made this personal. Now had he said anything negative about Dr. Strange this would be a whole other ball game.

Now he begins muttering the incantation for a spell while he has the time, concentrating hard to get the latin right. He'd asked Dr. Strange to teach him this one as a birthday thing after that whole evil doppleganger disaster. It looks like he's posed to pull back an invisible bow, except the outstretched hand is facing palm up. Runes circle the pulled back hand and an electric shot of blue magic arches out of it and into the outstretched hand which seems to take the powerful beam and redirect it straight at his opponent. The magic blazes through the air with a blinding light.

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