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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-02-03 11:50:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, aridis, asleif, awesome andrea, emmeline wagner, frances barton, franklin richards, gron-el, halbjorn, jack murdock, kael, kalypso, mac rider, marlow, nicolai sablinova, npc - balor, npc - camazotz, npc - circle of seven, npc - grog, npc - manitou, npc - marmoo, npc - mikaboshi, npc - odin, npc - osiris, npc - pluto, npc - tezcatlipoca, npc - the flame, npc - whiro, npc - zeus, orlen strange, plot-"eve of destruction", ryan spector, svalin, team - avengers, team - defenders, team - fantastic four, toni rhodes, valeria richards, vincent vernard

The Battle of Olympus
The trail eventually led the Avengers, Future Foundation and the Defenders to the other dimensional realm that served as the home of the Greek gods. They traveled to a few realms that were home to other gods only to find them destroyed and in ruins. Olympus wasn't in ruins, but it was under attack. Battle raged all around and the skies thundered and were lit up by lightning bolts.

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Re: Anaye
2013-02-10 12:57 pm UTC (link)
She could already taste the meal coming. Calling to the specters, she ordered them to drive him back into the chaos of the fight and infect his allies with the taint building on him.

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