All of these things are triggers for Franklin. He's experienced Hell, and it was no minor scar on his mind. Though he had mostly recovered from the trauma, his body begins to shake with lingering anxiety over the ordeal. he took deep, relaxing breathes. Had he not been so lucky to have a family that cared for him when he needed it most, illusions such as these would have been too much to handle.
"Unless favors owed to others weigh more than those owed to you," Franklin stated. His voice trembled at first, but steadied by the end of his statement. He created a ring of psionic energy around himself and thrust it out to expand through the illusions and cut through them.
"Besides, not all Gods adhere to favors. I'm sure you owe Zues a favor or two, and yet here you are."
As a precautionary measure, he erected a telekinetic shield around himself and bolstered his telepathic defenses.
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