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Frances Barton | Hawkeye ([info]hotshot_hawkeye) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-24 14:02:00

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Entry tags:crosshairs, frances barton

I got a tortured mind and my blade is sharp. A bad combination in the dark
The objective was breathtakingly simple: Take out a warehouse full of black market weapons and tech that the bad guys had been using as a cache, but do it to a) leave a message and b) not be traced back to the good guys. Beautiful, direct. It was also much easier on paper than it looked on a rooftop adjacent to said warehouse.

"You know, I'm spotting some actual security on this place, instead of the usual. Cameras, floodlights, hell, even the armed guards look alert. Smart grunts, that's new."

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2013-01-29 04:02 pm UTC (link)
Kelly nods when she catches up, a bit singed, still bearing signs of a few bullet holes, but she seems to be moving fine by now. "I'll do you one better. I'm not sure who you work for, but you have the look of something official. I got most of what I needed, but didn't have time for a full interrogation. Just told him and his buddy whoever spilled first got a lift out of the big badda-boom. So... you want a prisoner? You can take credit for getting your org the intel, you just have to share it with me on the side, and I don't have to risk revealing one of my boss' safehouses to some kind of fed. Hot, sexy, gun toting fed, but still."

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2013-01-29 07:47 pm UTC (link)
She makes a face about being caught as official, reminds herself tweak gear to not look so shined-boots and spiffy-clean. "No no, it would be a professional discourtesy to swoop on your safehouse, I get that." Picking up the guy's head, she reasons the schmuck wouldn't remember the trade off anyway. Which means Frances doesn't have to mention anyone else in the report. "And clean up'll be easy too. Fine and dandy, but how am I going to get you the goods once he talks? Care to swap digits or shall I just start posting personal ads in Craigslist?" she asked and smirks crookedly.

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2013-01-29 07:58 pm UTC (link)
"I was figuring I'd give you my number, and you can call when you're ready to go celebrate our victory... and massive explosions. Always worth celebrating those. Besides, I believe I owe you some body shots."

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2013-01-30 01:04 am UTC (link)
She shrugs, liking this plan more and more. "And who can resist a body shot offer from you? Alright, I'll get Humpty Dumpty from you then."

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2013-01-30 02:50 am UTC (link)
"Hey, as long as you can't resist body shots from me, I'm all good with it."

She goes through her things til she can get out a small pen and mini-pad of paper, noting down her number. She pulls in very close, grinning all along, putting a hand into her new friend's back pocket, amidst a little groping, by way of leaving the folded paper with her number there.

"Call me and tell me where we're partying, chica."

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2013-01-31 12:39 am UTC (link)
Frances grins back, not losing eye contact as her mystery partner gave her a good bye present. "He's not going to be very talkative if I accidentally drop him."

"Cross my heart, you'll hear from me soon."

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2013-01-31 12:46 am UTC (link)
Kelly nods. "Looking forward to it." she replies, talking while lingering in the distinct flirtatious invasion of personal space.

Then she hands over her prisoner, officially, backing off, and going running and leaping off the sniping rooftop.

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