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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-21 17:24:00

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Entry tags:adrienne batroc, antaeus, anya stark, argo, armadillo jr., eric phillips, guardian, iron dragon, jenny woolverton, martin baum, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", team - champions, team - thunderbolts

The Red Lord Rises
In England near Glastonbury Tor a portal opened up and a large demonic red creature emerged. The Red Lord emerged from Otherworld and had been unleashed upon the mortal world. Chaos and destruction followed in his path.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-26 06:49 pm UTC (link)
As one of the present tanks, Manny's job was to get up close and personal. Still, the way nature seemed to die around this guy..no. This was no time to be tentative. Think of what would happen if this monster was allowed to continue. Think about what would happen to my parents. Think about what happened to Bea...

That lit a fire in his belly as he ran at the Red Lord, coming in claws swinging.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-26 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Argo came up running, swinging a mighty blow. "Have at you, foul villain! The first of justice shall bring you to a halt!"

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-26 11:37 pm UTC (link)
Adrienne's particular talents were... not of much use against something of that size and power. So she instead concentrated on hurrying civilians out of the way.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-26 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Jenny followed Adrienne's example and hurried civilians out of the way. She'd be no use fighting something so big unless it happened to fall on her and bounced off.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-27 02:29 am UTC (link)
The Red Lord barely felt the most of the blows beyond that of annoying insects. Though Argo's blow did more causing to have to re-catch his step.

"It is pointless to fight me. None of you can match my power. Join me instead and you will be greatly rewarded," He speaks to them in a booming voice filled with dark power.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-27 02:35 am UTC (link)
Well, that's... fascinating. Primal beings on the recruitment trail.

"You might be right. What are these great rewards for signing up, anyway?" she shouts down, stopping her firing for now.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-27 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Iron Girl blasted the ground beneath his feet.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-27 10:21 pm UTC (link)
Jack shoots half a dozen webs at the Red Lord, jumping next to Argo. "Have fun." He offers the end of the lines to the bruiser.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-27 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"Well played, little spider-person," Argo laughed. "The Son of Hercules thanks you!"

He took hold of the lines and gave a mighty tug.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-27 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Adrienne took momentary shelter near an abandoned car, watching the fight and the surroundings carefully.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 01:37 am UTC (link)
Manny goes over and also grabs the webs, adding his strength to Argo's.

"Heave ho!"

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 04:26 pm UTC (link)
Eric fly at the Red Lord back with as much force as he can manage to help the others out.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 04:32 pm UTC (link)
"Enough power to be able to do anything you want so long as it does not conflict with my interests," He tells Kelly.

The combined efforts of the heroes force the Red Lord down on one knee enraging him.

"Enough with you insects," he shouts before reaching with one hand summoning a legion of his Bane forces from his base and former prison in Annwn, The Spiral Tower.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 07:15 pm UTC (link)
Dozen of Bane warriors poured out of a portal the Red Lord created before the portal faded away. They proceeded to attack the people that had been annoying their master.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 11:24 pm UTC (link)
All right, this, at least, looked like something she could fight.

Adrienne vaulted over the car, aiming a powerful jump kick at the nearest Bane warrior.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 11:28 pm UTC (link)
"Look out, friend Manny!" Argo boomed. "It would seem our foe is too cowardly to face us himself, and instead besets us with his minions!"

He threw a punch at the nearest of the Bane warriors.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 11:37 pm UTC (link)
"Damnit, and here I wanted to hear about the benefits package. Ah well." Kelly responds, flinging a couple of grenades towards the portal. She's pretty sure they're not going to hit anyone allied - but they'll definitely get more of the summoned things, in any case.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 11:46 pm UTC (link)
"Mierda!" yelled in surprise, though if he was due to the monsters, Argo's shout, or Kelly's grenades, he wasn't sure. Manny backpedaled, clenched his own fists and started attacking. "I'm right beside you, you know! You don't have to shout so loud!"

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-28 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Anya started firing at the banes coming through the portal.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-29 02:10 am UTC (link)
"You know, I totally get why you'd come through here. Place looks really nice for a picnic." Jack swings around and tosses a blast of webbing into the Red Lord's face, cutting off whatever his next rant was.

"Have you considered somewhere less in demand, though? How about Kansas? Nothing happens in Kansas."

If the Red Lord tries talking again, he'll get another mouthful of webbing. Repeat as necessary.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-29 04:01 pm UTC (link)
Jenny waded into the banes, using her body as a battering ram to keep those around her off balance and occupied, and doing as much damage to them as she could.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-29 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Eric starts reigning photon blasts down and the Bane from the air.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-29 06:16 pm UTC (link)
The Red Lord turns away from the battle to focus on his continued efforts to blight the land even more.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-29 06:24 pm UTC (link)
They would find the Bane fairly reliant fighters that were tougher than regular humans though not by crazy amounts.

Already several had fallen under skillful kicks, powerful blows, explosives, and blasts of energy and force.

The Bane struck back attacking with their blades in groups.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord
2013-01-29 06:31 pm UTC (link)
Kelly heads for higher ground to give herself some room to fire, and then starts dishing out her best autofire to get her teammates as clear as possible.

Ok, so it will hit Manny and Anya too while she gives them space, but aside from a little tickle, it shouldn't really hurt either one. Just help make sure they don't get overrun.

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Re: Battling the Red Lord - [info]ze_leaper, 2013-01-30 01:05 am UTC
Re: Battling the Red Lord - [info]son_of_hercules, 2013-01-30 01:07 am UTC
Re: Battling the Red Lord - [info]soft_inside, 2013-01-30 01:14 am UTC
Re: Battling the Red Lord - [info]tabula_rasa, 2013-01-30 07:41 am UTC

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